Hair & nails

Real People, Real Results.

Nanci heals from osteopenia on the carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Nanci. I am 66 years old, a mother of 4 with one wonderful stepson, and a grandmother of 9. I was an RN and retired in 2016. I have been married to a wonderful man for 43 years and have also served as a pastor’s wife for over 30 years.   Early Struggles with Weight and

Bruno M reversed heart disease on keto, lost weight and improved hair & skin on carnivore

Twenty years ago, Bruno began his healing journey. He was born prematurely and was diagnosed with a heart condition at a young age. Doctors said he couldn’t exercise, which was hard for him, especially as a teenager. He often got the flu, which sometimes required hospitalization. Bruno explained his heart had an infection that would not allow blood to pump

Sharon H put psoriasis and chronic pain into remission and regrew hair on a carnivore diet

Sharon recently celebrated one year on the carnivore diet. She was diagnosed with severe allergies and asthma at age 8 and anxiety and depression at age 11. She had terrible PMS and heavy periods when she was a teenager. Sharon’s periods grew heavier and lasted longer as she aged, and in 2019, she had a hysterectomy. Sharon developed psoriasis, eczema,

Robin improved body composition, skin, hair, nails, and eyesight on a carnivore lifestyle

Robin’s Pre-Carnivore Diet and Beliefs   Robin is of German descent and is a Chiropractor practicing in Australia. He went into his carnivore journey with no chronic health conditions or obesity but a healthy professional curiosity.   Before he was a practitioner, Robin ate “a horrible diet, lots of processed foods, and I actually had developed a sugar addiction, to

Rhonda cured anaemia and reduced menopause symptoms on the carnivore diet

Rhonda’s Journey to Better Health   Rhonda grew up on a family farm, eating organically raised and wild game. When she became a mother, she started eating a lot more carbohydrates to stretch her budget, turning her diet for the worse.   “I can remember so many times of that constant yo-yo of the coffee and then the carb crash

Crystal improved PMS and sleep on a carnivore diet

Crystal already achieved most of her health goals on a ketogenic diet, but it wasn’t until she transitioned to a carnivore diet that she could take her health to the next level.   Crystal’s Journey to a Carnivore Diet   “I wasn’t trying to lose more weight when I started the carnivore diet, but I was looking to increase my

Mariela restored her health from the damage of veganism

I am a bilingual speech language pathologist, published author, actor and spirit medium. I have 3 amazing children: Seth, Sienna and Syler- who are each a gift and are fulfilling their own path and dreams. I was a vegan for 6 years, before that I was on low carb way of eating in with a lot of success (for 12

Holly healed her Plantar Fasciitis on a carnivore diet

Emotional Attachment to Food and Failed Diets   Holly grew up in a loving family of “gourmet chefs”, and from a young age, formed emotional attachments to food. While otherwise a healthy child she developed a dairy intolerance in her teens that led her down a path of different ways of eating, but nothing helped her food addiction and weight

Sara gets relief from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome on carnivore diet

I wanted to leave this here for anyone interested in hearing my story. If I can help just one person feel the pain relief I have, then it’s worth sharing.   About a year and a half ago, I was injured from an incorrect IV poke that led to an IV infiltration in my left arm. Within a month later,

Deidre’s psoriasis has cleared up, hair growing thicker on a carnivore diet

Discovering The Carnivore Diet: Deidre’s Journey To Finding The Right Diet For Her Hormonal Issues   In just two months, Deidre has found success following a carnivore diet 90% of the time. “This journey has been amazing!” she shares. “I’ve already lost 12 pounds, but more than that, my body composition has changed. The scale isn’t moving as much, but

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