Fitness & exercise

Real People, Real Results.

Joe improved digestion on carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Joe. I have eaten a beef-dominant ketogenic diet since about March 2018. I have felt many benefits from switching my way of eating to one which prioritizes ruminant meat (beef, lamb, etc.).   Logging And Measuring   For about six months leading up to the DEXA body scan above where I had 8.9% body fat, I

Joshua healed his IBS on a carnivore diet

Hi Mr Shawn, I’m from the FB group Principia Carnivora. IBS and a lot of pain I’ve been battling terrible IBS since I got food poisoning in 2005. So it’s been 12 years of consistent diarrhoea, pain and always having to be near a toilet. Unexplained weight gain around the belly, excessive sweating, drop in exercise performance, water retention and

Trey improved digestion, fitness, anxiety and depression on carnivore diet

Multifaceted Explanation Of Diet Change   This is going to be a multifaceted email to explain my previous symptoms/ailments before I changed my diet. Apologies for the long-winded email, but it’ll be worth your time reading.   Previous Diet Vs. Current Meat-Only Diet   I started following you on Twitter about 5-6 months ago. Began incorporating more eggs/various types of

Anonymous improved aches, pains, chronic inflammation on carnivore diet

Thanks Shawn for all you do and your dedication to this very important issue. I used to be very athletic in my youth and then got into the low fat, white meat only, trying to include more and more vegetables, grains and vegetable proteins. I started to develop aches and pains and attributed them to age, like I guess pickup

Pyroxidine improved skin, IBS, and anxiety on a carnivore diet

This is the story of how I treated my severe acne with the carnivore diet, and incidentally discovered a range of additional health benefits. By sharing my experience, I hope to inspire others to take the carnivore approach – both to spare themselves the unpleasantness of this condition and the cocktails of pharmaceutical drugs involved in the mainstream medical treatment. For

Eric improved his body composition and skin on a carnivore diet

Hello I’ve attached some pics of the transformation I’ve had made over the last 3+ weeks. First pic was 7/30/19 and after pics are from 10/27. Although my diet wasn’t 100% carnivore it was damn close. Same meals everyday for the 3 months: Breakfast – none Lunch – 1 pound ground beef seasoned only with salt, 1 avocado, half of

Kyle lost 85 pounds on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Kyle. I started the carnivore diet about 2 years ago after seeing Shawn Baker on the joe Rogan podcast and it changed my life.   The simplicity is the key   I was almost 300lbs at my biggest and within about 7 months on the diet I got down to 215lbs and that’s about the weight

Patrick improved digestion, mood, energy, body composition on carnivore diet

I have to start from 12 years old. That was the first time I had random sharp knee pain for no reason. I was diagnosed with Osgood Schlatter’s disease. Fast forward to my time in the Army. The doctors would always go back forth on whether it was Chronic Osgood Schlatter’s, or tendinitis caused from the earlier Osgood Schlatter’s. Who

Jesper improved performance and energy on a carnivore diet

Hi,  I’ve been experimenting for years without really finding something that gives me the benefits I was aiming for. Only after a couple of weeks on carnivore I feel amazing! Here are some take-aways: Take-aways Great energy throughout the day Improved mood & patience No hunger and/or ridiculous cravings Better body composition: gaining muscle & losing fat Perfect digestion (first

Nirav improved physique and joint pain on carnivore diet

Name: Nirav Surati (Age 23)   I DID THE CARNIVORE DIET! I ate ONLY red meat and eggs for 60 days! That’s it. Things that have happened so far: (Note: Many of these occurred within only one week!)   Getting bigger Getting leaner Joint pain/soreness is completely gone (I didn’t even know I had it. I Thought I was just

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