Nirav improved physique and joint pain on carnivore diet

Name: Nirav Surati (Age 23)


I DID THE CARNIVORE DIET! I ate ONLY red meat and eggs for 60 days! That’s it. Things that have happened so far: (Note: Many of these occurred within only one week!)


  1. Getting bigger
  2. Getting leaner
  3. Joint pain/soreness is completely gone (I didn’t even know I had it. I Thought I was just sore from lifting)
  4. Zero GI issues
  5. Barely any gas
  6. Incredible energy throughout the day.
  7. Never tired.
  8. Zero sugar cravings
  9. Never feel “tight” anymore after lifts or days after
  10. Super easy to adhere to
  11. Good sleep quality
  12. Zero acne/less blackheads
  13. Zero allergies
  14. Minor musculoskeletal issues/tweaks gone
  15. Minor pain in left hip/low back area gone
  16. Faster cold recovery/immune system boost
  17. Increased flexibility and ROM
  18. An additional INCH off my waist
  19. Improved eyesight (more on this later)
  20. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) has been significantly reduced. Even though my starting point was sub 10% BF, I got leaner. Before this, I practiced Intermittent Fasting, Carb Cycling and even dieted down to 5% BF. However, with this method, I can stay lean YEAR ROUND. Even though I’m eating almost 1,500 MORE calories from strictly fat and protein.

The Controversy Surrounding Meat As A Health Food


Huge thank you to @shawnbaker1967 for shaking up the nutritional dogma. As a biomedical engineer, I always found coursework at college a bit controversial. We never really solve the root issues: Hyperinsulinemia and Inflammation.


Demonizing meat is a step in the wrong direction. MEAT IS HEALTH FOOD, and REAL RESULTS take superiority over weak studies. I have zero signs of nutritional deficiencies, and I feel the BEST I’ve ever felt in my life.


The Benefits Of The Carnivore Diet


If you have autoimmune issues such as joint pain, Crohn’s, or eczema, or if you’re looking to get lean and put on muscle or just want to feel good, try out the carnivore diet! @bigstrongfast @marksmellybell


Personal Experience Of Nirav Surati



I am doing very well! I have been a carnivore for almost a year and a half now and have never been better. My performance in the gym is consistently improving, I am putting on more muscle mass than before despite having a similar protein intake, and my recovery is just second to none. 


I eat pretty much once a day (3-hour window max), train fast, and eat post-workout. This little routine has become my new lifestyle, and it has really opened up a lot of usable time during the day for other goals.


My digestion is now perfect, and I have zero issues in terms of going to the bathroom, discomfort, bloating, gas, etc. My capacity to eat has also increased to over 3+ pounds in a sitting.


I’ve done various lab work as well, showing that my markers are exceptionally well and signs of chronic disease are extremely low.


Let me know if you have other specific questions!


Best regards,


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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