
Real People, Real Results.

Warren improved arthritis on a carnivore diet

Overcoming Arthritis Through Lifestyle Changes   I’m a 41-year-old South African male. In September 2018, I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis by a rheumatologist.   She wanted to put me on one of two disease‐modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) immediately, both of which have long lists of potential “side” effects: coughing up blood, bleeding gums, lung lesions, lymphoma (cancer), skin blisters,

Nick improved anxiety on a carnivore diet

The Struggle with Weight and Health Issues It was November of 2016. I’d had a stressful half decade with lots of difficult situations arising from my business and personal life.   I had always had a problem keeping my weight down, and for the previous 6 months, I had been on a “healthy diet” of porridge and fruits for breakfast,

Randy improved diabetes, psoriasis, arthritis, knee pain on carnivore diet

Randy is a 67-year-old contractor who’s been carnivore for two years. He had cancer, two heart attacks, and four stints, and was a type 2 diabetic with neuropathy in his feet. His balance was so bad that he almost fell off a roof because he couldn’t feel his toes. Randy had an arthritic, painful neck from a diving accident and

Sara loses weight, resolves pre-diabetes on carnivore diet

Meet Sara, a 41-year-old stay-at-home mom. In 2012, she weighed 180. Sara had an oral glucose tolerance test and was told by her doctor that she was pre-diabetic and should lose a few pounds. After connecting with an online weight loss group, she started intermittent fasting and tracking her numbers. Over a few months, she lost 50 lbs. In 2013,

D. G.loses weight and improves health on a carnivore diet

D.G. was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes over 20 years ago. Now 72, he has been able to lose weight, control his blood sugar, and amaze his doctor with his results following a carnivore diet for two months. D.G. has taken various oral medications to control his type 2 diabetes. “Back in early July, I had a blood draw at

David heals allergies, hypersensitivity, sleep issues on carnivore diet

The Healing Power of the Carnivore Diet   My whole life, my health has been an enigma to me. I was always skinny as a kid and could, and did, eat pretty much anything I wanted without gaining weight. That included a lot of sugar. Sugar poured over my cereal in the morning, sugar in the juices and sodas I

T. T. improves fitness, foot pain, joint pain, and mood on a carnivore diet

Life caught up with me in my 30s – like it threw a rope around me and yanked me to the ground. I went from blissfully eating whatever I wanted on the SAD diet to desperately searching for the answers I hoped would save my health. I’ll explain.   Living in NYC gave me access to some of the most

Beau heals from back pain and joint pain on a carnivore diet

Beau is 34 years old and has experienced significant issues with his weight, at one point seeing himself grow to over 400 pounds. He needed back surgery 12 years ago, leading to chronic issues with back discomfort over the following years. It’s difficult to imagine for those of us who have never been this obese. One example worth considering is

Scott heals autoimmune issues, psoriasis, sleep issues on carnivore diet

My Journey To A Carnivore Diet Long-time vegetarian for about nine years (heavier on fiber, whole grains, and nut/seed fat), but not against eating meat. I just avoided it at home due to “ethical and sustainability” concerns (yes, I bought into the propaganda).   The Onset Of Symptoms About four years in, I noticed some subtle but consistent itches/rashes on

Elliott heals eating disorder, improves mental health on carnivore diet

Elliot is a bodybuilder who has been on a long search for the right diet to support his sport. Bodybuilding diets, while they can result in some amazingly muscular physiques, are not known for promoting health. Prepping for events has an even worse reputation, and Elliot’s experiences are a striking example of that. Thankfully, he found a way to heal,

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