Sara J healed boils, sarcopenia, and dysphoric pré-menstrual disorder on a carnivore diet

Sara’s Journey to a Plant-Based Diet


Sara did not realize the seven years she spent eating plant-based (first as a vegetarian, then vegan, and lastly raw vegan) would do so much damage to her health. She says she now realizes she was “brain-washed.”


She speaks of her government pushing a meatless diet. Sara also says she felt she needed to get into the vegetarian lifestyle because of the treatment of animals and what she was told about the effects of eating meat on the environment.


The Negative Effects of Plant-Based Eating on Sara’s Health


Sara had many health issues before she became plant-based and while eating plant-based. Ten years ago, she was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a debilitating inflammatory disease that caused her to be in pain daily. Sara says she initially thought vegetarianism would help her condition, but it only worsened. 


Furthermore, Sara lost her menstrual cycle for almost four years as a vegan. However, she regained her cycle after adding back eggs as a vegetarian. Sara also developed anemia and eczema and suffered from poor digestion and bowel movements.


Sara says she didn’t realize it at the time, but she could not build muscle, even while training. Her skin was also very dull, and Sara was experiencing hair loss. She says it was “hard to see my body falling apart” and struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts.


Sara’s Struggle to Heal Her Body


Sara didn’t realize she was damaging her body. She tried to heal her body and followed what others told her she should do. Sara says the only thing that saved her while she was plant-based was that she also fasted.


She would fast for up to twenty-one days and often felt terrific benefits from her fasts. However, she would often break her fast with fruit and other high-sugar foods, almost instantly losing whatever gains she received.


Sara’s Conversion to the Carnivore Diet


It wasn’t until a year ago a fellow vegan friend, who also has a youtube channel, began to share about his conversion to the carnivore diet. At that point, Sara began to open her eyes to what a plant-based diet was doing to her health.


She realized what her body needed and craved was meat. Furthermore, she began to research and realized that many of the things she was told about the treatment of animals and how eating meat affects the earth are not true.


The Healing Effects of the Carnivore Diet on Sara’s Body


With the guidance of her friend, Sara jumped into the carnivore diet. When asked how she has healed, she says, “healing is a process,” but her eczema immediately cleared, and her digestion improved.


The inflammation from her ankylosing spondylitis was also significantly reduced. She was also able to gain muscle, and her moods vastly improved. She says she no longer struggles with depression, and her suicidal thoughts are gone. She even says her hair and teeth are much healthier, and her skin is glowing and no longer dry.


Sara’s Conclusion: Meat is Essential for Her Health


Sara says she didn’t realize her body needed meat all along. She didn’t know that following “fake news” meant putting her life in danger. Today, Sara feels like she has been “reborn from the ashes.”


She is thankful to be a part of the MeatRx community and says becoming a carnivore diet follower has completely changed her life.


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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