Jeff eliminated his type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea on a carnivore diet

Jeff has had incredible success combining fasting with a carnivore diet. He has lost 85 pounds (from 270 to 185) and has kept it off for over two years. In addition, he reversed his type 2 diabetes, lowered his high blood pressure, eliminated inflammation in his joints, and completely reversed sleep apnea.


Struggles With Weight and Dependence on Sugar and Alcohol


“I’ve struggled with weight my whole life,” Jeff shares. “I had tried to lose weight by cutting calories and working out like a maniac, but it just wasn’t sustainable. I would gain back what I had lost and then some.” Jeff had quite a sweet tooth and would regularly overeat on sugary treats. As an adult, he found he had more of a dependence on alcohol and finally realized he had to get in control of his cravings.


“The same things that got me hooked on sugar got me hooked on alcohol. Over time, both made me heavier and sicker.”


Introduction to Intermittent Fasting and Dr. Jason Fung’s Protocols


Jeff’s son introduced him to the practice of intermittent fasting. Jeff dove into as much science-backed research and information online as he could find and eventually began following Dr. Jason Fung’s fasting protocols.


 “I realized that my body was trying to store fat, and because of all the sugar I was eating, that’s why I was getting so hungry. The more I read about it, the more it all clicked in my mind.” 


Discovery of Carnivore Diet and Its Compatibility With Fasting Routine


While looking for different resources on fasting, Jeff came across Kelly Hogan’s carnivore journey and thought it might be a good fit to implement along with his fasting routine.


Importance of Sustainability and Nourishment for Long-term Health


While Jeff did lose some weight with intermittent fasting, he realized weight loss wasn’t the only goal. “The key really isn’t losing weight. It’s how to stay healthy and maintain it,” he shares. “I wanted to learn the best way to nourish myself so that it’s sustainable. That’s where I fell in love with Carnivore because I could just eat meat and eat as much as I felt my body needed.”


Simple Meal Choices Focusing on Beef, Eggs, and Organ Meats


Jeff’s meals are simple, and he focuses mostly on beef, eggs, and organ meats. He occasionally enjoys seafood but has cut out dairy due to some inflammatory effects and weight gain. “I avoid any foods that are sweet, and I prioritize protein over fat,” he shares.


Tremendous Health Improvements and Non-scale Victories


The combination of fasting and Carnivore had tremendous results for Jeff! At his next annual physical, now age 50, Jeff was in the best health of his life. In addition to the weight loss, Jeff is completely off all medication for diabetes and high blood pressure, and he no longer has sleep apnea. 


Since going off the statins, Jeff has restored flexibility and reduced headaches and joint pain, which he feels were side effects. Jeff found a doctor who affirms his lifestyle choices, and all of his lab work has come back normal, including the test for inflammation which was completely clear.


Finding a Doctor Who Affirms Lifestyle Choices


Jeff found a doctor who affirms his lifestyle choices, and all of his lab work has come back normal, including the test for inflammation which was completely clear.


Reaching an ideal weight and losing 12 inches off his waist has given Jeff more energy to do the things he enjoys, such as traveling comfortably on an airplane and taking outdoor adventure trips. “I’m definitely hooked on all the non-scale victories,” he says. “I have more confidence with work and in social settings. It’s phenomenal!”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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