Hi, my name is Isabel.
When I was little I used to constantly get sick and suffered from hay fever and allergies quite often, not only that but I was a rowdy kid who lived off of whatever my parents made and junk food.
Curing Acne With Paleo
A few years back I became self-conscious about my body image and feared the thought of acne since my parents had severe acne in their teenage years, so I went on Doxcycline yet I still had the occasional pimple or two.
I later learned that sugar caused acne so I decided to cut out all foods with added sugar (that I knew of) and started cooking for myself, fast forward a bit more and I eventually cut out all grains, cereals and wheat; I was essentially on a Paleo diet.
I lost a tremendous amount of weight due to the minimal food I was eating in comparison along with my intense exercise routine, but I didn’t feel good. Most of the time I felt lethargic and despite my concentration and attention span improving I was still too tired to care half the time.
Fatty Liver From Liver Fluke
Two years ago was when it got really bad. After eating partially undercooked salmon I contracted Liver fluke which is not recognized in Australia and I ended up becoming very underweight and extremely unwell compared to before.
I was also having what was deemed irreversible fatty liver that the doctor found in my blood results (result of liver fluke); my predominantly high carb and fat diet didn’t help either since I didn’t know the two were a dangerous combination.
The Alternative Route
I ended up turning to alternative medicine to deal with the problem and eventually got rid of the parasite where I was on the road to recovery; later on I realized a lot of what mainstream media and doctors told us was healthy was wrong, and the paleo diet had started to fail me as I gained 7kg over a few months last year resulting in me becoming desperate and learning about the Ketogenic diet.
On The Keto Diet
As soon as I went on the Ketogenic diet I felt like I actually had my life back, many people criticized me especially my family despite how my health was improving.
But I suffer from sever IBS, something that I always struggled with and the Paleo diet didn’t help with it and it got better on Keto, but it was still pretty bad as some days I could still have debilitating nausea and stomach pains if my bowel ever decided to move, it wasn’t fun.
I constantly feel happy and optimistic, or like I’m in a good mood. Even if something bad happens I don’t get overly upset and bounce back quicker. You could almost say it’s like a constant state of euphoria.
Carnivore Diet To The Rescue
Fast forward to today at the age of eighteen and I have been on a high fat Carnivore OMAD diet for four months now and the health benefits I have had are beyond imaginable, I’ve never felt so healthy in my life; here are some of the benefits from only eating animal fat, red meat, fatty fish, cheddar cheese, butter and eggs (including coffee, salt, pepper, turmeric, rosemary and thyme):
I have tremendous amounts of energy and a rarely feel tired unless I haven’t slept long enough, but I only typically sleep five to six hours (eight if I’m lucky) after changing my diet and I don’t feel lethargic at all.
- I no longer suffer from my IBS or bloating
- My recent bloods say my liver is completely healed, and is much healthier than the average.
- I’ve lost weight and have been able to maintain 49 – 50kg at 167cm
- No more fatigue and I have clarity in everything I do, resulting in improved memory and my school performance and grades improving.
- Exercise is much easier and I don’t have to push myself as much as I used to like I did on the Paleo or keto diet to stay in shape.
- I reversed the leaky gut I was developing.
- I recover from injuries faster and have more stamina.
- Everything tastes better and I no longer have cravings unless it’s meat.
- I’m in a constant state of ketosis.
- Meat, fat, eggs and cheese is the only thing that look like food to me anymore.
- I constantly feel happy and optimistic, or like I’m in a good mood. Even if something bad happens I don’t get overly upset and bounce back quicker. You could almost say it’s like a constant state of euphoria.
- I don’t suffer from hay fever or allergies anymore, nor do I get sick.
- I don’t have behavioral problems or short temper anymore, mostly which were caused by diet from what I’ve learned
- I’ve gone off Doxycycline and no longer have acne accept for the occasional black head.
- No more digestive issues with eating cheese.
- No more indigestion when going to the gym after eating and I can lift heavier weights as well as do intense cardio for longer.
- I don’t feel stressed anymore, I feel a lot more at peace with myself and grateful for what I have.
Honestly my quality of life has just improved so much on the Carnivore Diet that I don’t know how else I could explain it, but it’s the best decision I’ve made in my life.
I constantly feel happy and optimistic, or like I’m in a good mood. Even if something bad happens I don’t get overly upset and bounce back quicker. You could almost say it’s like a constant state of euphoria.
Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.