Heidi improved heart pounding, dizziness, poor energy on carnivore diet

Hello Dr Baker: 


I was a vegetarian for 20 some years, from my late 20’s to 50 years of age when my health suddenly crashed, seemingly overnight. Stomach pain, heart pounding, dizziness, shortness of breath, dry mouth, itching watery eyes, broken capillaries, “brain buzz,” mouth burning & itching, physical weakness and shakiness, night sweats. Symptoms were the worst at night so sleep was a distant memory.

I had been physically active all my life, but as I was unable to eat or sleep I became weaker and weaker having barely enough energy to do the essentials. Unable to work, had to close my business and lost everything. Doctors gave me hormones, antacids, and tranquilizers.

So-called “Wholistic” doctors just wanted to sell me the supplements they have stocked in their back rooms. It took me 8 years to figure out that ALL my symptoms were related to food. (These were the years before everyone had a PC so information was difficult to find)

Don’t want to bore you with all the horrid details, but over the last 20 years (I am 70) I slowly added meat to my diet, but being as brainwashed as I was about all those healthy fruit and veggies, I actually thought I was hurting myself if I left them out. When I came upon your YT channel I finally had the courage to stop all but meat and eggs. I still occasionally have some stomach ulcer pain, but it’s mild and digestive enzymes help. My gallbladder pain is totally gone along with the rest of my symptoms. I sleep well and have adequate energy.  

Thank you for your dedication to health and for going against the stream. 


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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2 thoughts on “Heidi improved heart pounding, dizziness, poor energy on carnivore diet”

  1. That’s great! One thing I’d caution though is adding too much dairy. Dairy can cause inflammation and regression of some of these symptoms, though plenty of alternatives exist. I won’t speak to the safety or efficacy in combating these problems with the “raw” variety, but many swear by it. Food for thought.

  2. Heidi, my story is so similar to yours and it’s good to hear there are other women our age so helped and healed thanks to Dr. Baker.

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