February 21, 2020

Real People, Real Results.

Heidi improved heart pounding, dizziness, poor energy on carnivore diet

Hello Dr Baker:    I was a vegetarian for 20 some years, from my late 20’s to 50 years of age when my health suddenly crashed, seemingly overnight. Stomach pain, heart pounding, dizziness, shortness of breath, dry mouth, itching watery eyes, broken capillaries, “brain buzz,” mouth burning & itching, physical weakness and shakiness, night sweats. Symptoms were the worst at

Heath fixed his metabolic syndrome on carnivore diet

Heath is 58 years old and has battled with his weight for much of his adult life. From 1989 until 2018, he saw his waistline expand and his weight increase, year after year. Heath knew that the weight gain was taking a toll on his life and increasing the odds of disease. Heath had developed insulin resistance, also known as

Mark improved joint pain, hypertension and gained muscle on carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Mark, aka The Carnivore Grandpa. I would like to start by thanking carnivore.diet for inviting me to share my story. Thank you for all you do. I am 56 year old husband, father, and grandfather. Married to the love of my life for 36 yrs, father of six wonderful children, and Grandfather of 12. They are

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