Mental Health

Real People, Real Results.

Sly improved her anorexia and bulimia on a carnivore diet

My Journey With Veganism And Bulimia   During my early college years, I decided to go vegan (thanks to some very persuasive vegan documentaries), and from there, I wanted to “step up my game,” so I went raw vegan. My diet before that wasn’t the standard American diet.    It was very clean paleo – whole fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken,

Patrick improved his arthritis and back pain on a carnivore diet

Seeking Help for Arthritis and Weightlifting In August of 2017, about 5 weeks before my 52nd birthday, I wrote an email to Dr. Shawn Baker to ask for help.   A few months before, I was in the emergency room for what I thought was sciatica. The pain shooting down my leg was so debilitating that it was impossible to

Mark improved his arthritis and autoimmune issues on a carnivore diet

My Four Month N=1 (Self-)Experiment ongoing Zero Carb 100% Carnivore.   Mark’s Carnivore Health Highlights   This is a lengthy article. So for just the Highlights:   No more outbreaks of kidney stones. Yes, I am sticking with it!!!! Not because I need to but because I love this way of eating. Meat-only way of eating healed my Rheumatoid Arthritis

Mim improved her eczema on a carnivore diet

Mim’s Journey to Health with a Carnivore Diet   Mim has healed from numerous health conditions since implementing a carnivore diet. “Since I was a child, I have suffered from so many autoimmune disorders.” At 27 years old, she feels she has gotten her life back and has learned so much about how her body reacts to various foods.  

Jón improved mood and mental health on a carnivore diet

I was asked by the man that really started the carnivore movement in Iceland to share my story.   My Younger Years Being Big   Then, let’s begin at the beginning. My name is Jón Jakobsson. I am 48 years old and from Iceland. I have always been fat. When I was a kid, I was fat until I discovered

Andrew lost weight and improved his respiratory issues on a carnivore diet

Like so many others here I watched Dr. Shawn Baker on the Joe Rogan Podcast.After two months on this woe have lost 8kg of fat, gained a little muscle, but gained a lot more strength. My asthma and hay fever issues are almost totally gone, and I’m feeling great. The ability to get away from the old cravings/crash cycle of my

Jeremiah improved cardiovascular and mental health on a carnivore diet

How a Carnivore Diet Transformed Jeremiah’s Health In October 2017, Jeremiah listened to Dr. Shawn Baker’s interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Like many others who are brave enough to throw traditional nutritional advice out the window and try a meat-based diet, Jeremiah was skeptical at first. “It sounded crazy, but I was willing to try it!”   Jeremiah

Christopher improved cardiovascular health, nervous system on carnivore diet

Hey everyone, I would like to make this short and simple since this diet is just that. Cutting out all carbohydrates has been the most profound thing I have done for my health. It’s been a phenomenal 3 months. The benefits of this diet are undeniable and obvious. I have experienced optimal health for the first time after a long

Michelle improved her autoimmune issue and joint pain on a carnivore diet

My History with Food and Diets    I have quite a history with food and diets. Since Junior High, I have maintained a 30 lb weight range (118-148 lbs) which fell into the “normal” range for my 5’5″ height. I struggled with anorexia in my early teens, and then in the 80-90’s, I ate low-fat/low-calorie, exercised, and was bulimic.  

Adam improved his fatigue and metal health on a carnivore diet

Police Officer And Army National Guard Member   Just for some background, I’m 26 years old. I have been a police officer for the past three years and serve on a variety of specialized teams, including the SWAT Team, K9 Bloodhound Tracking Team, and Riot Team.   I have also been serving for the past six years in the Army

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