Diabetes & blood sugar

Real People, Real Results.

Stefania controls autoimmune disorders, celiac and Hashimotos on a carnivore lifestyle

Stefania’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet Being Italian, Stefania was raised on pasta and described her relationship with food before finding the carnivore diet as being very poor. She says she always felt chubby, even though she wasn’t obese, and often found herself stress eating. She even battled anorexia and bulimia.   From Vegetarian to Keto Stefania became a vegetarian

Stephen is improving his type 2 diabetes on the Carnivore diet

Stephen’s Journey Towards A Healthier Life   My name is Stephen, also known as Orbi-Wan on the internet. I am a 60-year-old retired military veteran currently working as technology support for our local school district.   I am working to put my 25 years of diabetes into remission through a commitment to eating what is best for my body. I

E has lowered triglycerides and improved blood work on a carnivore diet

The Journey of Seeking Solutions for Health Issues   Around 2008, I started seeing a new doctor because I had long been plagued with food issues and “tummy troubles” like IBS and food allergies. In late 2010, after a series of trips to the ER and undergoing more GI testing than the average 24 year old, I had my gallbladder

German Shepherd diagnosed with cancer thriving on carnivore diet

Tiber’s Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Decision   Corinne, mom of a lovable 6-year-old German shepherd, got the kind of news every pet parent dreads: Tiber had colon cancer, and the vet believed it was incurable. Faced with this terrible news, Corinne and her family had a decision to make.   Would they proceed with surgery and cancer treatments to extend

Mark improved respiration with a fasting keto-carnivore diet

Hi, I’m Mark, let me give you a short summary of my experience.   Fasting works   Fasting, whether time restricted OMAD, my many 36-48 hour fasts, my one three day and one five day fasts were all vital elements in my mostly meat keto diet.   Off my meds   I’m off amlodipine and lisinopril as well as Fluticasone.

Katya improved digestion, bladder and kidney pain on a carnivore diet

Katya’s Journey into Raw Veganism and Health Problems   My name is Katya. Basically, I was a Raw Vegan and pioneer of the lifestyle in Australia some 20 years ago. I opened the first Raw and living foods cafe, way ahead of its time, then went on to teach classes, programs and run retreats.    I have a background in

Heidi improved heart pounding, dizziness, poor energy on carnivore diet

Hello Dr Baker:    I was a vegetarian for 20 some years, from my late 20’s to 50 years of age when my health suddenly crashed, seemingly overnight. Stomach pain, heart pounding, dizziness, shortness of breath, dry mouth, itching watery eyes, broken capillaries, “brain buzz,” mouth burning & itching, physical weakness and shakiness, night sweats. Symptoms were the worst at

Marion improved arthritis on carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Marion. My partner ( he is 67) and myself ( 63) began the meat diet last March. If we hadn’t did this way of eating we would not have believed it. Eating Like Our Ancestors   I am of indigenous heritage and believe we should eat as our people did, but somewhere along the line, we

Stephen improved his muscle mass, digestion, and skin on a carnivore diet

My Belief in Calories In/Calories Out Theory   From my teenage years, I fully believed in the calories in/calories out theory. I believed that carbs were good for you and I looked pretty good. I even competed in a bodybuilding tournament (all natural, no steroid show).   My Active Lifestyle and Healthy Eating Habits   I played semi-professional soccer and

Kelly improved her kidney disease on a carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Kelly. I am a 54 year old female. I have been doing the carnivore diet for 3.75 years. Losing My Liver and Colon I had to have a liver transplant due to autoimmune disease in 2013 and then lost my colon to ulcerative colitis in 2015. I wish I had known about the carnivore diet back

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