Stephen is improving his type 2 diabetes on the Carnivore diet

Stephen’s Journey Towards A Healthier Life


My name is Stephen, also known as Orbi-Wan on the internet. I am a 60-year-old retired military veteran currently working as technology support for our local school district.


I am working to put my 25 years of diabetes into remission through a commitment to eating what is best for my body. I am the first to admit that while I have made great strides toward this goal, I still have a long way to go.


Being diabetic with poor management and terrible diet habits for 25 years has taken its toll. It’s going to take a while, perhaps two or three years, but I am committed to sticking with it, and the Carnivore food lifestyle is the key.


From Pasta Addiction To Carnivore Diet


Prior to discovering the Carnivore food lifestyle, I ate pretty much anything I wanted to and was especially addicted to pasta, rice, and certain fast foods. I was obese – my weight fluctuated anywhere from 190 to 230 over a period of several years.


I suffered from lethargy, multiple sinus infections a year, was put on high blood pressure meds and statins, and of course, more diabetes management drugs than I can even remember.


The Effects Of A High-Carb Diet On A Diabetic


Of course, everything I was suffering from was pretty much a direct result of the complications of my diabetes, my Standard American Diet, and the lack of education about the best way to deal with my condition.


Discovering The Keto Diet And The Carnivore Way Of Eating


During the fall of 2019, my wife and her sister both began transitioning to the Keto food lifestyle. I was resistant. I was drinking what I considered healthy green smoothies every morning, loaded with fruits, kale, spinach, and artificial sweeteners, and I thought that was enough.


I was on multiple types of medications, both for diabetes management and associated “medical” problems. I was still putting away massive amounts of “healthy” foods with carbs but knew in my heart that I was really not doing myself any favors.


The Benefits Of A Zero-Carb, High-Fat, And Moderate Protein Diet


As I approached my 60th birthday, something finally clicked. I was coming off an extended recovery after I broke my foot, and my wife was constantly playing videos by Jason Fung and Ken Berry.


The phrases “insulin resistance” and “reversing diabetes” kept popping up enough that they finally wormed their way into my consciousness. I actually began to listen to what they were saying.


I watched Fung’s reversing diabetes course on YouTube and finally decided on my 60th birthday to make the commitment to put my diabetes into remission through the Keto diet.


Finding Support In The Carb Addiction Doc


For the first few days of 2020, I gave the old college try but discovered that I was still running higher glucose levels. That’s when I started looking at ALL carbs, not just “bad” carbs.


Then I listened to Berry and Robert Cywes (who is my actual doctor now) talk about the Carnivore way of eating. On January 6, I transitioned to a higher fat/moderate protein/near-zero carb way of eating, and wow. That is when things started taking off.


Reversing Diabetes Through The Carnivore Food Lifestyle


The first thing that happened – I began losing weight fairly quickly. I lost 15 lbs. within the first few weeks and am actually stabilized now at between 155 and 158 lbs., which puts me in the middle of the ideal weight for my height and body type. I’ve gone from Extra Large to Medium shirts and 38/40 pants down to 30/32s.


The next thing that happened, I immediately began to feel better. I had more energy. My sleep became deeper, and my dreams became very vivid. After my initial bout of adjustment, what they call Keto flu, I have not been sick, lethargic, or felt physically bad.


I usually would have at least two upper respiratory infections by this time of the year, but I have been in great overall health, even in the midst of this pandemic. I am especially grateful for this, considering that as a diabetic, the complications associated with CoVid infection for diabetics can be more severe than with other health issues.


Seeking Support For A New Way Of Eating


Towards the end of January, with the weight loss and the higher energy levels I was experiencing, I went to my endocrinologist and explained what I was going, what my goals were, and that I wanted their support for the path I had chosen.


I told them who I had listened to, the research I had done, and that I felt it was a realistic and achievable goal.


To my surprise, the doc laughed at what I said and proceeded to tell me that their 20 years of experience trumped anything new I had learned about managing and reversing my diabetes. Needless to say, I have not been back to see that endocrinologist.


Turning To A New Doctor For Guidance


Instead, three days later, I had my first appointment with Dr. Robert Cywes, the Carb Addiction Doc, and he has been my guide. He supports the Carnivore food lifestyle, and his views on food addiction, especially carbs, have helped me stay committed to this way of eating.


He has taken me off of all of my blood pressure meds, statins, and all supplements, agreeing with this community that I can get everything I need for health from eating the right way.


He also took me off most of my diabetes management drugs, although he has helped me realize that although I am eating healthier, I do have 25 years of damage to repair, and I will need some support through Metformin and carefully considered and administered insulin injections from time to time.


Successfully Stabilizing Blood Sugar Levels


The good news is my blood sugars are steadily stabilizing and normalizing. When I started Carnivore, I was coming off a high A1C of 8 to 9. My last A1C at the end of June was at seven, and if my Continuous Glucose Monitor is to be believed, I could be looking at an A1C of 5.5 or even lower in a couple of weeks as I prep for my next appointment with Dr. Cywes.


And the absolute foundation that I am building on is the Carnivore way of eating. I have learned I have nothing to fear or even be concerned about when it comes to Cholesterol.


Establishing A Simple, Satisfying Food Routine


My typical food day: I was able to establish a routine of one “eating” meal a day in the evening that fits both my and my wife’s work schedules.


To keep from getting hungry otherwise, I put a couple of tablespoons of butter and heavy whipping cream in my coffee first thing in the morning and then again around noon, about the time of Shawn’s daily meeting.


For dinner, we eat rib eyes, bacon, eggs, pork belly, etc., on a rotation, throwing in some fish and other animal products from time to time. It’s a simple plan, we love the food, and we both only eat until we’re satiated.


My exercise is considered moderate, primarily walking and the lifting, pushing, and stretching that comes with the physical aspect of my job as technology support on the fairly large campus where I work.


Finding Support Through MeatRx


Let’s talk about MeatRx. I joined in February, and I enjoy and use the resources available to me. The primary resource I take advantage of is the multiple meetings available. They are my support groups.


I regularly attend Shawn’s daily meeting, the weekly diabetes group, the mental health meeting, and a few others as I can find the time. I find the comradery, encouragement, and fellowship invaluable as I continue on this journey.


So that is my journey and my goal. I am only in the early stages. I celebrate the victories and study and make improvements when I encounter setbacks. In it for the long haul, I want to enjoy being alive when I am in my 90s and playing lightsabers with my great-grandkids.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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