Diabetes & blood sugar

Real People, Real Results.

Tom improved allergies, migraines, and gained muscle on carnivore diet

I’m 67 years old, been carnivore since December 2017. I’ve eliminated all my allergy meds (Claritin, Flonase, Azelastine), resolved chronic migraines, gained several pounds of muscle, and just generally improved my health over the past two years. Years ago I tried a vegan diet, then migrated to vegetarian and stayed with that for decades.   I later moved to an

Daniel improved brain fog, inflammation and chronic pain on carnivore diet

We’ve all been taught something about what constitutes a healthy diet, and it seems most of it has been wrong. Daniel’s story echoes the same thoughts, as his healthy diet turned out not to be what he needed to heal. Daniel had problems catching infections, saying that he “would catch any infection going.” He suffered from chronic inflammation, constant back

Stephen improved his cancer diagnosis with a carnivore diet.

Hello, my name is Stephen. This is my story about cancer. I am in remission from high volume aggressive metastatic prostate cancer as well as type 2 diabetes and obesity.   The Diagnosis   Summer 2011: diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer (Gleason score of 10 out of 10) at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, Burlington, MA, USA. Eligard treatments were

Tracey recovers from allergies, fibrocystic breasts on carnivore diet

I have hesitated for some time to submit my story. I think partly because I began a very low-carb diet in May 2017 before hearing about the Carnivore Diet challenge. I was aware of Amber O’Hearn and others avoiding plant foods. My husband and I had been vegan for just over five years before adding animal foods to our diet

Steve improved his liver cirrhosis on a carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Steve. I’ve had liver cirrhosis since mid-Nov. 2017. My body retained massive amounts of fluid (ascites). After the first few months of suffering while taking the prescription diuretics (pee medication) with no good results, I finally got an appointment for a paracentesis (fluid draining procedure). The fluid kept coming back, so we scheduled a paracentesis once

Matthew treated cancer and chemotherapy side effects on carnivore diet

Back in November Matthew was diagnosed with testicular cancer. His wife reports that “If you don’t know much about this, it’s a very curable cancer, but the chemo drugs and regimen is one of the worst there is.”   Matthew’s Diagnosis and Introduction to the Carnivore Diet   Matthew got through his chemotherapy, avoiding most of the side effects, with

Edgar improved speech on a carnivore diet

“This story is about my little son, a boy named Edgar. Although this story is about our entire family, what happened to our son changed our whole life. Edgar was born in July 2010, grew up to be a completely healthy and well-fed child, only refused to feeding-up and mostly ate breast milk. After a year, I began to make

Andrew improved his epilepsy on a carnivore diet

Diagnosis and Chemotherapy   At the age of 27, I was diagnosed with a highly vascular, high-grade Anaplastic Astrocytoma brain tumor after a brain hemorrhage on a busy train. I underwent surgery to remove most of the tumor, followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy in an attempt to ‘zap’ the rest of the remaining cells.   I decided to abandon my

Matt improved diabetes on a carnivore diet

Hi, I’m Matt.   Starting With Keto For Metabolic Syndrome   It was time to do something at 365lbs, high blood pressure rising, fatty liver getting worse, T2 worsening, and cholesterol skyrocketing. I started Keto on 1/1/19, strictly 20g carb max per day calories from fat 70% min = dropped 23 lbs, and felt things were starting to stabilize.  

Stephen healed his metabolic syndrome on a carnivore diet

Typical story on Meatheals.com. 57 yr old male. Started keto went to carnivore coupled with strength training. 1 year later, from 35% body fat to 10% body fat, no longer metabolic syndrome, all blood markers in the optimal range.  Now I am passionate about helping other men in their 50s to achieve their optimal body composition and metabolic status.  Thanks

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