Hi Dr. Baker,
Thank you for your work. Since hearing you speak on Rogan in 2017 about how meat is healing people, I took the leap from Keto to Carnivore and am so glad I did! My details are down below but basically, my benefits are amazing: My skin is flawless! My belly is flat! My body is strong!!! My cravings are gone! I experience an even mood and have great mental focus. I share my thoughts on the movement on my Youtube Channel and love to spread this message.
The Journey to Finding the Right Diet
My favorite part of Carnivore, is that I am not wasting money and energy anymore with supplements and baking alternative desserts and breads- I don’t even think about that stuff. It’s a wonderful change.
My story: I was a C-section, breast fed baby. I suffered child abuse from ages 5-7. My mental health and physical health began to deteriorate at 5 years old. I had major constipation, stomach aches and hallucinations at night. I ate a low cholesterol/low fat Standard American Diet. At 12 years old, I had a permanently distended belly had my tonsils removed, was diagnosed lactose intolerant, bipolar and given meds for allergies and depression at that time.
My weight increased rapidly at age 15 and was diagnosed ADHD later that year. Soon after, cystic acne began showing up uncontrollably. I was so depressed. My parents believed the meds were the only thing that kept me going. Switching dosages and brands was a common thing every month or so.
At 17, I started binging, purging and restricting food all together. It was a desperate attempt to control uncontrollable gas which turned into a full on eating disorder. I started over exercising at this time as well. My left hip began to click all the time and my teeth were translucent from purging. So messed up. I smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol to ease my disturbing social anxiety.
At 25 I sought help for the eating disorder, stopped smoking and drinking and went gluten free. I was accepted as a kidney donor and given a clean bill of health although I looked and felt terrible so I started doubting my doctors and began looking into alternative lifestyles…how to get off of meds and to fix my skin.
I began chasing the vegan lifestyles (fruitarian mono-meals, raw fruits, sprouting nuts and seeds, supplements, tons of bottled waters and kombuchas, organic standards, etc.) During this time, I was able to stop taking meds (probably from better moods from tons of sugar) but I destroyed my teeth, still had my IBS, my skin wasn’t healing and I developed insulin resistance. I attended IIN for a Health Coaching education but I didn’t learn anything that actually helped me heal. I was devastated.
The Downfalls of Veganism and a Standard American Diet
In 2014, I befriended someone very into science! I finally learned for the first time that humans don’t have the same digestive tract as herbivores. I started looking into this and began understanding sugar’s role in digestion, leptin and cortisol. I started eating meat regularly then and started Intermittent Fasting as well. I then added Keto to the regimen. I added some exogenous ketones for energy in 2017 and was able to work out in the gym again but those cravings really messed me up sometimes and the acne and mood stuff would come back and derail me.
Carnivore: A Life-Changing Decision
I listened to you on Rogan, then listened to the Plant Paradox Audiobook, and everything made sense when Amber O’Hearn talked about her mental health transformation on Carnivore. I cut back the spinach, mushrooms and kale more and more until I was down to steak, beef, bacon and duck eggs. I’m still Carnivore today and my skin is healed 100%!!!!!!!!! My belly and mood are both controlled!!!
I have really loved this change and couldn’t be happier to know about your work. Thanks forever!
Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.