Anthony improves digestion, mood, and mental health on a carnivore diet

Heard the story on JRE and went all in. I talked about it a lot which helped me be consistent and dedicated. I lost 35 lbs with no muscle or strength loss.

I always had digestive issues, which were solved very quickly. One of the best side effects was it gave me consistent energy throughout the day where I used to get very groggy at work after lunch. It also allowed me to kick a sugar addiction I was developing.

As a kid I was always thin and as a young adult I tried to bulk up by eating a lot, which was only adding fat. When I changed to only meat and eggs, I leaned out immediately and looked much better. “Get leaner to look bigger” was especially true for my frame and helped me accept that at my best I am lean and muscular and carnivore, not big and round and a carboholic.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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