Adam improved his fatigue and metal health on a carnivore diet

Police Officer And Army National Guard Member


Just for some background, I’m 26 years old. I have been a police officer for the past three years and serve on a variety of specialized teams, including the SWAT Team, K9 Bloodhound Tracking Team, and Riot Team.


I have also been serving for the past six years in the Army National Guard in a Light Infantry unit in charge of a heavy weapons squad. So a deployment and the requirements of these units entail aggressive physical standards with a demanding training schedule.


Struggles With Physical Demands


The demands, as of late, have been weighing down on me. It was taking me longer to recover after workouts or call-outs, my sleep had gotten worse, and I had been putting on some noticeable body fat.


Discovery Of The Carnivore Diet


Cut to seeing Dr. Shawn Baker on Joe Rogan’s podcast. The science of Dr. Baker’s diet, the results, and the evidence were very compelling. Moreover, the simplicity of it. It just felt right.


After a few months of the carnivore diet, everything has improved. My workouts have significantly improved, my recovery is renewed, my energy levels are up, and my sleep is better than I have felt in years. My body fat is disappearing, and I am steadily gaining more muscle.


Advantages Of The Carnivore Diet


Then there are the other aspects. My grocery shopping takes 10 minutes on a long day, and I look forward to every meal. I am finally eating the amount of protein I need to be getting, and cutting out the carbohydrates and the sugar has really helped to lean me out and improve my mood, workouts, and energy.


Take the time to look into this diet and the science and research that Dr. Baker regularly displays. The results are real. You become a more optimized and resilient version of yourself.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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