Jurriaan fixed his depression on a carnivore diet

Jurriaan’s Struggles with Health Issues on a Plant-Based Diet

Jurriaan, 32, is a personal trainer from the Netherlands who suffered from a laundry list of health issues, including anxiety, depression, low libido, chronic pain, and chronic fatigue while following a plant-based diet. He lost muscle and experienced other issues that only worsened, leading to his search for a solution to his ailments.


Jurriaan struggled with his health for many years. “After a period of following a plant-based diet, I lost so much muscle!” he shares. He suffered from anxiety and depression, had low libido, and no longer had the energy to work out. He experienced other health issues that only worsened on a plant-based diet, including Raynaud’s Syndrome (a condition that causes cold and numbness in fingers and toes), insomnia, lack of coordination, chronic fatigue, hair loss, ringing in his ears, blurry vision, and candida. “The list goes on! I also had chronic pain in my neck, back, and hips.”


Inspiration from Dr. Shawn Baker’s Approach to Health

In December 2018, Jurriaan watched Dr. Shawn Baker’s interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and found inspiration to move away from a plant-based diet. Dr. Baker’s story of eliminating his health problems by removing vegetables from his diet struck a chord with Jurriaan and motivated him to make the switch.


Jurriaan’s Gradual Transition to a Carnivore Diet

Jurriaan wisely took a gradual approach as he implemented a meat-based diet, adding more meat to every meal while still struggling to let go of certain foods he previously believed to be healthy and necessary, like broccoli. However, three months later, Jurriaan made the decision to ditch vegetables for good and has been following a 100% carnivore diet since February 2019.


Jurriaan’s Improved Physical and Mental Health on the Carnivore Diet

Jurriaan’s physical and mental health symptoms have greatly improved in his first year. “After years of depression, I am now happy and healthy again!” Mental clarity, a general sense of peace, and the ability to train hard at the gym again were the most noticeable improvements. “I feel calm and mentally clear. I can lift heavy weights again, and I have joy in my work as a personal trainer and coach.” Jurriaan’s before and after pictures clearly show an incredible improvement in body composition since switching to a carnivore diet.


Jurriaan admires the work that Dr. Baker is doing for the carnivore community, describing him as “brave” in a world where so many are afraid to speak against mainstream health trends and decades of nutrition narratives that seem to shun animal-based products. He writes, “Dr. Baker is on the other side of the world from me, but it feels like he is right beside me and all the other people who are struggling with their health!”

Jurriaan considers that kind of solidarity and commitment to truth to be nothing short of a superpower and one he strives to uphold with his own training clients and community. “Now that I found my strength and feel healthy again, I hope I can help others find theirs!”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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