October 31, 2019

Real People, Real Results.

Mitch improves digestion, mood, skin, and weight loss on a carnivore diet

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=835df5SPON8 I tried it for 90 days, and based on the positive results, I’ve decided to keep going. I ate 99% beef for the majority of this time, a little chicken, lamb, pork, and fish. I failed a few times before getting the hang of it and have been strict for 90 days. List of health issues: IBS (Mostly fixed)

Adam treats autoimmune conditions, joint pain, psoriasis on carnivore diet

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC) in 2005 at the age of 29. The diagnosis came after a steady decline in my digestive health through my late 20’s. My symptoms were 5-10 uncontrollable bowel movements per day, bloody stools, pain weight loss and lethargy. I was treated with immunosuppressant medication that helped manage my condition but brought with it

Kerbey loses 60 pounds in 7 months on a carnivore diet

Boss orders Hey, my name is Kerbey. I’ve lived a life of bigger means stronger. In the powerlifting world, I let go of myself and packed on the pounds. My boss referred me to the JRE podcast with Shawn Baker, and I figured I would give it a try. Losing weight AND getting stronger This diet has changed my life

Brittany improves back pain, mood, reproductive health on carnivore diet

After four years of being a vegan, I was sick of being bloated, tired, constipated, and having low energy. I am now 23 years old, 5 ft 5.5 inches tall. All of my family is thin with fast metabolisms, including all of my grandparents and relatives.   My whole life, I could get away with eating a big chocolate cake

Pamela improved her digestion, mood, reproductive health on carnivore diet

Pamela lost over 50 pounds eating a keto diet. August 1, 2018   Today, as I celebrate 18 months as a Carnivore, I think it is time for a #meatheals essay. After 18 months of healing and learning, I would like to share my story. Over this last year and a half, I have really learned to never say never.

Maria heals from allergies, joint pain, and migraines on a carnivore diet

During mid-January of 2018 I switched to a carnivore diet out of desperation because despite all my attempts I could not lose weight. I was then 189 lbs. and willing to do anything to stop gaining weight, and to that point all my attempts had failed regardless exercising 2+ hours a day and eating as “healthy” as I could with

Raenn improves arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and PCOS on a carnivore diet

My story has several parts to it to gain a full understanding of the way changing to a carnivore diet has impacted my life. It’s a long one!   The Great Global Gratitude Tour And The Start Of A Health Crisis   As a single adoptive parent of 6 special needs children and two biological children, I have been accustomed

Doug improves digestion, mood, and skin health on a carnivore diet

Well folks, the time has come. One year of carnivory!! Celebrating with a big ole’ chuck roast & decoration. Couldn’t thank High Steaks and Shawn Baker enough for challenging my beliefs into carnivory at the beginning along with many others soon after, even after over four years ketogenic. Here is my before/after, from S.A.D. to keto to now thriving on red meat,

Cory improved his fitness and lost weight on a carnivore diet

Cory was obese, and determined to find a way to lose weight. He says “When I started trying to lose weight, I tried everything imaginable. I tried juice cleanses, shakes, eating nothing but steamed broccoli, starving myself, etc. You name it, I tried it. My initial weight was 300+ lbs. I was in size 48 jeans (that were already stretched,

Anthony improves digestion, mood, and mental health on a carnivore diet

Heard the story on JRE and went all in. I talked about it a lot which helped me be consistent and dedicated. I lost 35 lbs with no muscle or strength loss. I always had digestive issues, which were solved very quickly. One of the best side effects was it gave me consistent energy throughout the day where I used

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