Maria heals from allergies, joint pain, and migraines on a carnivore diet

During mid-January of 2018 I switched to a carnivore diet out of desperation because despite all my attempts I could not lose weight. I was then 189 lbs. and willing to do anything to stop gaining weight, and to that point all my attempts had failed regardless exercising 2+ hours a day and eating as “healthy” as I could with the information I had at that time.

I was following a low-fat diet, heavy on organic plants that kept me always hungry and frustrated with myself; depressed and ashamed. I suffered from chronic joint pain, migraines, severe environmental allergies, and I thought I had to get used to these “normal” changes of my aging body.

Working as a Canadian health provider I had never been exposed before to other health preventative measures other than those politically correct, and accepted by the American Heart Association and the Heart and Stroke Canada; which (I thought then) were unquestionably and unanimously viewed as solid institutions where health practitioners and the public go safely to get educated on the “ultimate” guidelines and get answers to stay healthy.

I discovered the Ketogenic diet and decided to try it, and as I really don’t like to measure macros, ratios or any of the such, in a few days I naturally drifted into a meat-only diet. I discovered soon that many others around the world were recovering their health and naturally losing weight by avoiding plant-based food and eating only meat and drinking water.

When the student is ready, the teacher appears and I found Dr. Ken D. Berry and Dr. Shawn Baker. I discovered the carnivore community and I continued to get educated on how mankind evolved and our original diet and I continued to read about the formidable results of many brave and desperate men and women from around the world, from diverse age groups, ethnicities, and genetic propensities were healing from many illnesses.

Today, 6 months later I’m 50+ lbs. lighter eating steaks to satiety when I’m hungry and drinking water to thirst. My workouts are much shorter: 45 minutes of moderate weight kettlebells almost every day and rowing three to four times a week for a few minutes.

I’m full of energy and I feel better than when I was on my twenties, and I’m on my fifties. I feel alert and focused all day. My chronic joint pain and migraines are gone. My outlook on life is much more positive and my mood has been very stable, regardless of changing life circumstances. My allergies are gone: I haven’t needed any bronchodilators, antihistamines or NSAIDS for these last six months! I’m no longer bloated, after years of chronic bowel pain.

After eating my delicious steaks, I experience a deep sense of peace and contentment, a solid sense of wellness that encompasses body mind and spirit. #meatheals <3

Vancouver, BC Canada, July 2018.

Maria lost over 50 pounds in 6 months on a carnivore diet.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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