
Real People, Real Results.

Holly and Matt’s autistic son improves on a carnivore diet

Holly and Matt have a 19-year-old autistic son who’s been eating carnivore for a year. Wyatt was diagnosed with autism at two. Wyatt does not speak, so communication was very challenging. At 15, he was able to use a letterboard to communicate, which his parents say was “life-changing.”   Holly became interested in the carnivore diet after gaining weight. At

Greg is off blood pressure meds and has improved gout on the carnivore diet

Greg, who is 6’3″, put on 150 pounds in 20 years. In 2018, he weighed 397 pounds—a number that shocked him—only three pounds away from 400.  Greg was a long-distance runner and was very lean from high school into his 30s. Between a growing family and work, he had less time to run. Plus, his job as a computer scientist

Barbara S heals from anxiety and digestive issues on a carnivore diet

Barbara is a 54-year-old mother of 3 grown girls with her first grandchild on the way. She was in the radiology field as an MRI technologist for 35 years. She has scanned many metabolically unhealthy people with intramuscular and visceral fat over the years. She has witnessed the overall decline in the health and a rise in obesity in many

Travis improved mental health, skin issues, and ulcerative colitis on a carnivore diet

Travis’ Challenging Health Journey   Travis is a health coach with a focus on a carnivore diet. He has had quite the health journey to get where he is today! Let’s take a look at his experiences.   Travis didn’t start life on an easy path, experiencing his first heart operation when he was only three years old. By the

Marcel manages psoriatic arthritis on the carnivore diet

Marcel’s Health Challenges and Struggle to Find a Solution   Marcel is working on completing his Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) training and is focused on health. But health was something that was eluding him. Perhaps his health challenges were one of the things that made him decide to be a healthcare provider as well.   Marcel’s Journey with Psoriasis and

Bradley improved fat loss, muscle gain, sciatica, cognition, and athletic performance

From Pizza and Beer to Keto Diet When Bradley joined the army straight out of college, he never really gave much thought about nutrition. “I think—like a lot of young soldiers—I just ate whatever I wanted with the expectation that I was going to burn off all the pizza and beer.” It slowly caught up with him, however, and by

Danny S’ heart is doing well on a carnivore diet

An avid athlete, firefighter Danny Smith would work out twice—sometimes even three times—a day. In 2016, after a few bouts of what he thought was gastritis, he went to the hospital on a day he was experiencing, particularly acute symptoms.   He was admitted right away, and while the nurse was asking him about the situation, Danny passed out. The

Water: The Classic is Back!

Every animal on the planet drinks water; it works well for hydration. Seventy percent of your body is made of water. It’s all you need to drink, and as you get unhooked from sugar and artificial sweeteners, you’ll come to enjoy it. If you want to go crazy, get some sparkling water. Although you might feel like you might die

James gets off all psych meds on a carnivore diet

From a lifetime of mental health issues to a new hope with Carnivore    My name is James. I am 27 years old and have suffered immensely from mental health issues since I was 6 years old. I was diagnosed with ADHD and put on psych medication in kindergarten. I also was depressed as a child, which progressed as I

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