
Real People, Real Results.

Trey improved digestion, fitness, anxiety and depression on carnivore diet

Multifaceted Explanation Of Diet Change   This is going to be a multifaceted email to explain my previous symptoms/ailments before I changed my diet. Apologies for the long-winded email, but it’ll be worth your time reading.   Previous Diet Vs. Current Meat-Only Diet   I started following you on Twitter about 5-6 months ago. Began incorporating more eggs/various types of

Anonymous improved aches, pains, chronic inflammation on carnivore diet

Thanks Shawn for all you do and your dedication to this very important issue. I used to be very athletic in my youth and then got into the low fat, white meat only, trying to include more and more vegetables, grains and vegetable proteins. I started to develop aches and pains and attributed them to age, like I guess pickup

Yuri improved his skin, pain and sleep with a carnivore diet

My Experience With Raw Meat and Raw Fish Diet – This article was renewed and edited on May 29, 2018 –   The mainly raw meat and raw fish zero carb diet (MFZC) is the last diet I tested. I have been testing and using it from April 2016 to the present time. Before MFZC, I tested: the raw meat/fish

Steve improved dental health, digestion, mental health on carnivore diet

Before I start, I sincerely want to thank Mikhaila and Jordan Peterson, Shawn and Zach, and Joe and Charlene Anderson for helping me get a much better understanding on what is going on with my body. Thank you for all you do and sharing your information!!   58 Year old male with horrible eating habits most of my life. Here

Natasha improved reproductive health, sex, endometriosis on carnivore diet

I just wanted to share a simple story to help get the word out there. Back in 2006, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I mentioned to the doctor that I thought I was too young (25y/o) to be diagnosed with that condition.   She told me normally yes, but with all the hormones in food, it’s not surprising and that

Gabriel improved MS symptoms on carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Gabirel and about a dozen years ago or so, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. This is my story of successfully implementing a carnivore diet. When people ask me how I can eat such a “restrictive” diet, I tell them that MS is much more restrictive. Searching For Alternatives   I watched my sister eventually die

Phil improved digestion, fitness, mental health, sleep on carnivore diet

Benefits Of The Carnivore Diet On Personal Health   I’m pretty healthy. Always have been. I suppose I’m an example of the carnivore diet (mostly beef with salt) benefiting even those who are doing fairly well to begin with:   Initial Health Concerns   I started getting sweaty hands and feet around 18. I really started to notice how warm

Jonathan reduced his pain significantly on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Jonathan. Let me tell you something about my switch to the carnivore diet.   Daily Routine   My daily routine for eating the last month has been 16 hours of intermittent fasting. First meat meal at noon, and then a meat meal between 5 and 6 pm (1.5 – 3lbs of meat per day). Drinking on

Nancy improved digestion, skeletal health, skin on carnivore diet

I have been suffering from asthma since a toddler, varicose veins requiring surgery and custom compression stockings since my first pregnancy, and severe morning sickness with all of my pregnancies.   Health Challenges Faced By Nancy   I was diagnosed with osteoporosis 17 years ago and severe constipation after taking Calcium supplements for the osteoporosis while maintaining a healthy version

Frank’s asthma was gone after he went on a carnivore diet

So many things to be thankful for… There have been so many things that have changed for me that I have to write them down.  I don’t have my list with me so I will just cover the bigger one’s I remember, getting rid of my anxiety and improving asthma. I was not aware that so many things would be

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