muscle gain

Real People, Real Results.

Alicea gains muscle and manages mental health on the carnivore diet

How Alicea’s Carnivore Diet Helped Her Overcome Her Eating Disorders   Alicea lives in northern California. She’s 52 and struggled with eating disorders since she was 15 years old. While she was never obese, she still struggled with bulimia, bingeing, and purging. At one point, she got down to 107 pounds, which isn’t much for her 5′ 7″ frame. Alicea

KasumiKriss recovers from veganism on the carnivore diet

Kasumi’s Vegan Journey and Health Decline: Benefits and Drawbacks    Kasumi was a top-tier soccer player in the Netherlands when she became vegan in 2014. Within months, aching joints and declining energy levels sidelined her soccer career.   She “got convinced by YouTube videos to try a vegan diet” to help with a skin condition when she was 23 years

Jonathan bodybuilds and manages pain on the carnivore diet

Jonathan Griffiths: Competitive Bodybuilder and Carnivore Dieter   As a competitive bodybuilder, Jonathan Griffiths brings a unique perspective to the carnivore diet. He engages in a sport that has very specific dietary challenges, and at 27 years old, his eating regimen calls for a whopping five meals a day.   While his approach is very different compared to that of

Kat heals from ulcerative colitis, asthma, and Lyme disease on the carnivore diet

Kat’s Health Struggle and Athletic Journey   Kat’s battle for her health has been a fierce one, and she has fought bravely her whole life to find relief from the crippling asthma and ulcerative colitis that has plagued her since she was a baby. “I had ulcerative colitis from day one, ear infections, and asthma.   Back in the day—they

Claire Reverses Osteoporosis and Puts On Muscle In Her 60s On A Carnivore Diet

Claire’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet   An educator for over 20 years, school principal Claire needed more energy to keep up with her busy schedule. After being diagnosed with osteoporosis nine years ago, she started a fitness journey leading her to CrossFit classes and weight training. However, after experiencing less-than-stellar results, her coach encouraged her to look closely at

Jon heals from gut issues, fatigue, and arthritis

The Fruitarian Diet and its Promises of Healing Chronic Diseases   I was a raw vegan/fruitarian for seven years. I was actually an influencer in that community and offered health consultations helping people heal chronic degenerative diseases using a fruitarian diet and now do the same thing but now recommend an animal-based diet/carnivore.    I’ve actually helped many in the

Ex-Plant Eater Josie Defeats Ulcerative Colitis

A Vegan Overnight: Josie’s Journey to Plant-Based Eating After Struggling with Ulcerative Colitis    When Josie stumbled across a PETA tent at the tender age of 13, she was so moved by their content that she became a vegan overnight.   Fast forward ten years later, and her health was going downhill—fast. After being admitted to the hospital multiple times,

Adam Recovers Very Well From Crossfit Workouts

From MMA to CrossFit: Discovering the Benefits of Functional Fitness   Adam lives in Venice, Florida, and owns a CrossFit gym in Northport, Florida. As a competitive MMA fighter in his 20s, Adam joined a CrossFit gym, thinking he would “be able to destroy it.” What happened, though, was that “I’m not even joking when I tell you there were

Jennifer Gains More Dense Muscle On The Carnivore Diet

From Ankylosing Spondylitis to Carnivore Diet: Jennifer’s Story   Jennifer is a long-term care nurse and bodybuilder in Ohio who, like many of us, was raised on Cheetos and Kraft singles and a standard American diet. As a child, she experienced terrible hip pain, which later in life would be diagnosed as ankylosing spondylitis.   In her 20s, “when I

Michel improved performance on carnivore diet

Michel’s Journey To The Carnivore Diet   Michel has a background as a college basketball player and is a fitness influencer and actor now. He has worked at finding a diet that fits his needs and lifestyle and found that Carnivore helps.   “I’ve been experimenting with the carnivore diet since the beginning of 2019, and it’s been an interesting

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