Kat heals from ulcerative colitis, asthma, and Lyme disease on the carnivore diet

Kat’s Health Struggle and Athletic Journey


Kat’s battle for her health has been a fierce one, and she has fought bravely her whole life to find relief from the crippling asthma and ulcerative colitis that has plagued her since she was a baby. “I had ulcerative colitis from day one, ear infections, and asthma.


Back in the day—they just really didn’t know any better—they gave me round after round of antibiotics, and then they gave my mother access to steroid injections, so she gave me an injection every month for the first couple years of my life.”


At the same time, Kat says she was born to be an athlete, and by the time they invented rescue inhalers, you could find her running happily on the track—inhaler in hand. Still, the years were filled with trips back and forth to the hospital for both ulcerative colitis and asthma.


“I just remember—from the time I can remember—being on the toilet in tears… just all by myself, and my parents are helpless…they don’t know what to do. It was really hard—but I persevered, and I just kept going. I was very much into sports. I had a horse; I rode. I played tennis, I rode my bike, and I just relied on the medications to keep me going.”


Supplements, Keto, and Lyme’s Disease


In her 30s, Kat discovered that if she took enough supplements, she could mitigate some of her symptoms without as many drugs, but that came with the hefty price tag of $500 dollars a month. In her 40s, she came across the keto diet, which helped her successfully lose 30 pounds, but flare-ups and rescue inhalers were still the norm.


On top of all of this, she received a Lyme Disease diagnosis in 2008, which complicated matters even further. Throughout all of this time, she never stopped searching—regularly listening to health podcasts and reading the latest books.


Discovery of the Carnivore Diet


When she started to hear about the carnivore diet, she mentioned it to her functional medical doctor at the time, and he said she should give it a shot.


“When I met you guys for the first time, it was my 60th birthday—it was May 7th of 2020. I’ll never forget it—that [membership to Carnivore.Diet] was the gift I gave myself for my birthday. Oh my gosh… it’s unbelievable what happened to me.”


The Impact of the Carnivore Diet on Kat’s Health


After a day or two on the carnivore diet, Kat says she was able to take what she considers to be the first full breath of her entire life. “Literally, within the first week of eliminating plants, I was breathing, and it was remarkable…the colitis cleared up—it still leaves me speechless sometimes to think about what happened just by getting rid of foods!” 


In the past, mosquito bites would leave painful welts that lasted for weeks and would also activate her Lyme symptoms. A month and a half after going Carnivore, she was swarmed with bites. They cleared up after a few days, and there was no adverse Lyme reaction.


Now off all medications, Kat is incandescently happy to be free from the health problems of the past. “I honestly can say right now I have nothing wrong—and I cannot believe I’m saying that—it’s nothing short of miraculous!”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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