Metabolic Health

Real People, Real Results.

Tessa going carnivore helped take me from the brink of death to a thriving, joyous life

Tessa’s Chronic Illness and Diagnosis   Tessa describes being so chronically ill her doctors didn’t know what to do with her. Tessa has a history of eating disorders but says for most of her adult life. She didn’t struggle with eating. Tessa ate copious amounts of food but couldn’t seem to gain weight.    Tessa says she experimented with the

Patrick lost over 50kg, overcame prediabetes, high blood pressure on a carnivore lifestyle

From Active to Prediabetic Patrick described himself as very active before discovering the carnivore way of eating, but he noticed his health deteriorating. Patrick is from Australia but has lived in the Philippines for a time. Though he was active, Patrick had put on quite a bit of weight and, at his heaviest, weighed over 145 kilograms (300 pounds).  

Cindy resolved liver issues, headaches, fatigue, brain lesions all from a Carnivore lifestyle

Cindy’s Health Issues   Cindy has had a myriad of health issues throughout her life. Cindy was diagnosed with lupus which made her feel heavily fatigued, and she often struggled to get out of bed before eleven in the morning. Cindy was also diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome; her doctor even discovered white matter, or tumors, on her brain.  

Ame lost weight, balanced hormones, and is free from food addiction on carnivore lifestyle

Ame’s Struggle with Weight and Food Addiction   Ame is a mom of five and says she discovered the carnivore diet after years of dieting without any success. Ame had an addiction to food that she struggled to control. She says she ate the Standard American Diet and was overweight. Her weight made it difficult for Ame to feel confident

Gregory overcame weight, lymphedema, high blood pressure, prediabetes on a carnivore diet

Greg’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet   Gregory, who goes by Greg, describes having a “laundry list” of ailments before finding the carnivore way of eating.   The Negative Impact of Greg’s Previous Diet   Greg is now seventy years old and says he used to eat a very sugary and highly processed version of the Standard American Diet. Greg

Caelin healed digestive issues, testosterone, high blood pressure on a Carnivore lifestyle

Caelin’s Struggles with GI Issues and IBS   Caelin has been struggling with gastrointestinal issues and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for most of his life. Caelin says though he never sought medical treatment for his IBS, it wasn’t uncommon for him to use the restroom up to fifteen times per day.   Caelin also struggled with mood instability and trouble

Eric healed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, migraines, arthritis on carnivore lifestyle

From Vegetarianism to Carnivore Diet   Eric has struggled with food allergies and sensitivities for most of his life. Eric tried to follow the vegetarian diet for almost ten years, but the diet wreaked havoc on his body. Over time, Eric learned he is allergic to eggs and sensitivities to many vegetables and grains.   Eric is a farmer and

Jacob overcame his diabetes, lost weight all from a carnivore lifestyle

Jacob’s Struggle with Carbohydrate Addiction Jacob says his carbohydrate addiction was so bad he should have been born an Italian. Jacob says he ate pasta and other high-carb foods almost every day. All of the sugar and carbs caused Jacob to gain weight, and at two hundred pounds and just five foot tall, he jokes, “I grew sideways, not vertically.”

Cyndy eliminated diabetes, depression, and prescription drugs on a carnivore lifestyle

Cyndy’s Journey to Health Cyndy is a cancer survivor. In 2008, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Cyndy says she did what she had to do to stay alive, including eight surgeries in two years. However, all of her treatments took a toll on Cyndy’s body.   Battling Cancer and Diabetes Soon after her battle with cancer, Cyndy was diagnosed

Susan healed severe gut issues and damaged Achilles tendon on a carnivore lifestyle

From Whole Foods to the Carnivore Diet: Susan’s Health Journey   Susan always considered herself to be a person who prioritized her health. Susan always ate whole foods and had been gluten-free for many years. Susan says she loves vegetables, especially sweet potatoes, spinach, beets, and broccoli, and spent most of her life eating a “mostly vegetarian” diet.   Discovering

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