Jacob overcame his diabetes, lost weight all from a carnivore lifestyle

Jacob’s Struggle with Carbohydrate Addiction

Jacob says his carbohydrate addiction was so bad he should have been born an Italian. Jacob says he ate pasta and other high-carb foods almost every day. All of the sugar and carbs caused Jacob to gain weight, and at two hundred pounds and just five foot tall, he jokes, “I grew sideways, not vertically.”


Doctor’s Diagnosis: One of the Highest A1C Counts in the Country

Jacob’s diet started to become a significant problem in his life. So much so that at just twenty-six years old, his doctor told him he had one of the highest A1C counts in the country– 14. Jacob’s doctor told him he would die if he didn’t control his A1C and his weight.


Taking Health into His Own Hands

Jacob’s doctor wanted to put him on an intense insulin and diabetic medication regimen. Jacob says, “I work in the medical field. So I knew what advanced diabetes looks like and what it does to the body.” Jacob wasn’t comfortable taking insulin. He decided to take his health into his own hands.


From Keto to Carnivore: Jacob’s Journey to Health

Jacob first began his health journey by running for hours a day but sticking to the same foods he was used to eating. Jacob says he learned quickly that eating so much sugar, even while exercising intensely, wouldn’t help him. He then did some research and discovered the ketogenic diet. Jacob says, “I recommend not asking your friends and family what they think about eating low-carb.”


Jacob had many naysayers in his life but decided to try the keto diet anyways. He quickly started losing weight. Jacob then found Dr. Shawn Baker online, which lead him to learn about the carnivore diet. Jacob says he watched many documentaries on the diet and listened to success stories. Jacob decided to try the carnivore diet– but didn’t tell anyone.


Remarkable Transformation: Jacob’s Remission from Diabetes

Some time into his carnivore diet journey, Jacob had his A1C checked by his doctor. His doctor complimented him on his weight loss but didn’t believe the number that came back for Jacob’s A1C. The doctor thought the machine used to measure his A1C was broken. He couldn’t believe someone with one of the highest A1C numbers in the country was no longer considered a person with diabetes.


Besides his remission from diabetes, Jacob says, “I jump out of bed now.” His energy has improved, as well as his moods. Jacob also loves working out and exercises first thing every morning. Jacob also says he looks younger now at thirty-six than he did at twenty-six.


Jacob’s Daily Routine and Diet

Today Jacob’s diet usually consists of one meal per day. Jacob says he doesn’t usually eat breakfast or lunch but sometimes has eggs and bacon with friends. Jacob also says most of his meals consist of a big, juicy steak. He also drinks coffee in the mornings and eats seafood like shrimp and salmon from time to time.


Jacob’s Advice for Anyone Wanting to Start Their Journey to Health

Jacob says his advice to anyone wanting to start their journey to health through the carnivore diet is, “if you want change, you have to be willing to change.” He talks about the Standard American Diet and how many people are heading down a path of diabetes and high blood pressure simply because they don’t know any better. Jacob says, “Dunkin Donuts doesn’t care about your health. They can glaze anything, but meat remains the same.” Jacob is thankful he was able to turn his life around and is looking forward to living his life without diabetes.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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