Mental health – depression

Real People, Real Results.

Claire overcame anorexia nervosa and depression on a low-carb diet

Claire’s Struggle with Anorexia Nervosa   Growing up in France, Claire ate the typical French diet rich in saturated fat and protein. A dancer, she was naturally thin like her fellow ballerinas-in-training. Constant comparisons as to who was the slimmest, however, led Claire to develop body-image issues, and as she entered her teenage years, she started to restrict her eating.

Ollie improves depersonalisation, hallucinations, and cyclothymia on a low-carb diet

From Rite of Passage to Psychotic Break: Ollie’s Journey   In the area of Bristol, England, where Ollie grew up, taking drugs was seen as a rite of passage, and unfortunately, he ended up falling prey to peer pressure. While he never experienced any mental health issues as a young man, all of that changed one night when a 16-year-old

Travis improved mental health, skin issues, and ulcerative colitis on a carnivore diet

Travis’ Challenging Health Journey   Travis is a health coach with a focus on a carnivore diet. He has had quite the health journey to get where he is today! Let’s take a look at his experiences.   Travis didn’t start life on an easy path, experiencing his first heart operation when he was only three years old. By the

Evan E reverses ankylosing spondylitis on a carnivore diet

Ever since Evan was young, he had an insatiable hunger that caused him to binge, in addition to his other daily struggles of ADHD, OCD, brain fog, and fatigue. When he turned eleven—embarrassed by his heavy frame—he decided to go on a diet.   Following Conventional Wisdom: Low-Calorie/Low-Fat Diet   Following the conventional wisdom at the time, he started eating

Victoria improves health on low-carb diet

Victoria’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet   Since 1975, Victoria has divided her time between her native Paraguay and the United States. Coming from a long line of family members who were active and healthy well into their late nineties, Victoria became concerned last year when—at 66 years old—she felt she was losing energy and generally not feeling her best.

Gene sees improvements in gout, depression, ADHD, anxiety, and recovery from exercise

Gene’s Difficult Childhood and Struggles with Alcohol   Gene had a rough life before his carnivore conversion. As a child, he had ADHD and anxiety, making school very challenging. He did not get good grades and said, “At one school, they just kept me in a closet because I couldn’t interact with other kids. I was the first kid in

Alicea gains muscle and manages mental health on the carnivore diet

How Alicea’s Carnivore Diet Helped Her Overcome Her Eating Disorders   Alicea lives in northern California. She’s 52 and struggled with eating disorders since she was 15 years old. While she was never obese, she still struggled with bulimia, bingeing, and purging. At one point, she got down to 107 pounds, which isn’t much for her 5′ 7″ frame. Alicea

KasumiKriss recovers from veganism on the carnivore diet

Kasumi’s Vegan Journey and Health Decline: Benefits and Drawbacks    Kasumi was a top-tier soccer player in the Netherlands when she became vegan in 2014. Within months, aching joints and declining energy levels sidelined her soccer career.   She “got convinced by YouTube videos to try a vegan diet” to help with a skin condition when she was 23 years

Tracy manages her weight and cancer treatment on keto and carnivore

Introduction to Keto and Carnivore   Keto and carnivore have changed my life beyond anything in my wildest/hopeful dreams. I was introduced to Keto, or should I say re-introduced to Atkins, by a coworker who had lost a noticeable amount of weight. Because it came from a woman’s magazine I really wasn’t on board with it and felt the need

Kat heals from ulcerative colitis, asthma, and Lyme disease on the carnivore diet

Kat’s Health Struggle and Athletic Journey   Kat’s battle for her health has been a fierce one, and she has fought bravely her whole life to find relief from the crippling asthma and ulcerative colitis that has plagued her since she was a baby. “I had ulcerative colitis from day one, ear infections, and asthma.   Back in the day—they

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