Mental health – anxiety

Real People, Real Results.

David heals allergies, hypersensitivity, sleep issues on carnivore diet

The Healing Power of the Carnivore Diet   My whole life, my health has been an enigma to me. I was always skinny as a kid and could, and did, eat pretty much anything I wanted without gaining weight. That included a lot of sugar. Sugar poured over my cereal in the morning, sugar in the juices and sodas I

T. T. improves fitness, foot pain, joint pain, and mood on a carnivore diet

Life caught up with me in my 30s – like it threw a rope around me and yanked me to the ground. I went from blissfully eating whatever I wanted on the SAD diet to desperately searching for the answers I hoped would save my health. I’ll explain.   Living in NYC gave me access to some of the most

Martin lost anxiety, paranoia, fatigue, rhinitis on carnivore diet

After years of experimentation with keto and paleo diets, always allowing cheat days, I took the plunge into carnivory and have not looked back. All I eat is beef and butter. Anxiety, paranoia, fatigue and allergic rhinitis all vanished in a matter of weeks. My lifting regimen is energizing instead of exhausting, and my body is strong in ways I

Jodelle improved hypothyroidism on carnivore diet

Hypothyroidism and its Symptoms Jodelle’s bloodwork revealed she had hypothyroidism. After receiving the news, she adopted a strict carnivore diet, eating only meat. Her results were life-changing, and she was able to heal in numerous ways.   Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is underactive and doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. When someone is deficient in thyroid

Justin healed skin rashes on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Justin. My story is pretty intense and spans practically my entire life.   Issues From Birth   I am a c-section baby, and for as long as I can remember, I have been sick. As a young child, my autoimmune issues weren’t so severe. Minor eczema, canker sores. But I did showcase autistic tendencies and always

Wade heals anxiety, depression, strep throat, joint pain on carnivore diet

Wade is 50 years old and has noticed incredible improvements after just six weeks on the Carnivore Diet. Throughout childhood and most of his adult life, Wade suffered from frequent bouts of strep throat, food allergies, and a whole host of digestive issues. Due to frequent infections, Wade spent most of his childhood on antibiotics and injections. By the time

Sandro improves mental clarity, exercise recovery, skin on carnivore diet

Elite Athlete Sidelined by Mental Health Issues Sandro, 29, has noticed a huge improvement in mental health and clarity, faster recovery time from exercise, and clearer skin since starting the Carnivore Diet.   Carnivore Diet Improves Mental Health, Skin, and Recovery Time Once an elite athlete who was close to going pro, Sandro was sidelined by symptoms of depression and

Ed lost weight and improved energy on a carnivore diet

Ed began a carnivore diet just over a year ago, in July 2018. He’s enjoyed numerous health benefits since making the switch to a meat-based diet. Over the last year, Ed has lost 40 pounds. “My weight and BMI are now within the healthy range.” This is the first time in decades that Ed has fallen within that category. “I

Dain improves in sleep, anxiety, dandruff, tinnitus on carnivore diet

I’ve been eating this way for 3 weeks (I keep eating to a 6 hour window). Changes are as follows: Life long dandruff gone in a week Sleeping better then ever Cleanest skin I have ever had – not one zit on my body Tinnitus I have had for years is greatly reduced Endless energy Anxiety greatly reduced Overall better

Sim improved autism, depression and anxiety on a carnivore diet

My Experience With Autism Spectrum Disorder   Hey!   Love the incentive and want to share my story. There are not that many who discussed Autism, so I want to do my part! You can share my name: Sim Van Daele, and all the pictures.   I was born with Autism Spectrum Disorder which in the ’90s was still kind

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