Mental health – anxiety

Real People, Real Results.

Rosebud heals from interstitial cystitis, IBS, depression carnivore diet

Rose’s Journey to Healing: Overcoming Autoimmune Illnesses Rosebud (aka Rose) is a 34-year-old performer in Brooklyn, NY, and after two years on the carnivore diet, says she is working to put together the puzzle pieces of her health. “I’m starting to realize just why carnivore has been so positively impactful for me.”   Rose’s journey to healing from several autoimmune

Nicole treats food addiction, carb addiction, anxiety on carnivore diet

Nicole, a single mother of 5 children, shares her inspiring story of how she reclaimed her health from years of food addiction and lost 100 pounds (and counting!) on a carnivore diet.   Overcoming food addiction and trauma to reclaim her health   Nicole grew up during the height of the low-fat mantra of the 1970s and 1980s, and battled

Jon treats acne, alcoholism, hypertension, anger, edema on carnivore diet

From Heavy Drinking to Better Health: Jon’s Inspiring Journey Jon’s journey to better health on the carnivore diet and recovery from alcohol addiction is truly inspiring!   The Struggle with Health Issues and Alcoholism While serving in the U.S. Navy, Jon suffered from uncomfortable acne on his arms and began to drink heavily. This continued after he was discharged, and

Matt improved anxiety, digestion, fitness on carnivore fasting lifestyle

Hi,   Saw your post on IG about fasting or time restricted eating. I’m a former Division I linebacker and collegiate competitive power lifter.I also used to be a division one strength and conditioning coach at Yale and Georgetown, and also I’ve been a strength coach and Sport Psych consultant for NFL combine preparation. while the strength coach I was

Trey improved digestion, fitness, anxiety and depression on carnivore diet

Multifaceted Explanation Of Diet Change   This is going to be a multifaceted email to explain my previous symptoms/ailments before I changed my diet. Apologies for the long-winded email, but it’ll be worth your time reading.   Previous Diet Vs. Current Meat-Only Diet   I started following you on Twitter about 5-6 months ago. Began incorporating more eggs/various types of

Kevin heals digestive issues on carnivore diet

Kevin is twenty-two years old and is attending college. He says, “I’m 5’ 10”, and I currently weigh around 196 pounds. I’ve been doing carnivore for a little over two months.” He had been following a ketogenic diet before and had lost 130 pounds that way. He lost a little more weight on carnivore: “I recently have lost twenty pounds

Pyroxidine improved skin, IBS, and anxiety on a carnivore diet

This is the story of how I treated my severe acne with the carnivore diet, and incidentally discovered a range of additional health benefits. By sharing my experience, I hope to inspire others to take the carnivore approach – both to spare themselves the unpleasantness of this condition and the cocktails of pharmaceutical drugs involved in the mainstream medical treatment. For

Brian improved anxiety, depression, body composition on carnivore diet

Transformation/Success Story   Carnivore since February 2019  Left Photo: January 2019Right Photo: April 2019 Weight Loss: 25lbs (185lbs to 160lbs) Symptoms Resolved: Headaches Fatigue Muscle/Joint Pain Abdominal Pain/Digestive Issues Chest Pain Heart Palpitations Muscle Tremors Gastric Reflux Interrupted Sleep Skin Issues (Acne) Anxiety/Depression (significantly reduced) Mood (now stabilized)  Diet:75% consists of beef, salt, and water.25% consists of chicken, pork, fish, and eggs. Exercise:15-30mins

Jennifer improved sleep, migraines, pain, blood pressure on carnivore diet

Jennifer’s Journey To A Full Carnivore Diet   Jennifer is a 32-year-old woman who has been following a “full carnivore diet for almost six or seven weeks.” She had taken an interest in the carnivore diet and lifestyle and “initially started in January but had some personal setbacks, so I put it on the back burner.”   Health Problems Before

Amy lost weight, improved acne, depression and anxiety on a carnivore diet

Struggling With A Weak Immune System And Chronic Colic   When I entered this world, I was an unhappy baby (diagnosed with chronic colic), which meant I barely stopped crying for the first six months of my life. As I got older, it became apparent that I had a weakened immune system.   I seemed to pick up anything and

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