Carnivore Articles

Real People, Real Results.

Thyroid tips by coach Karla H

I spent about 13 years as a vegetarian, over-exercising and slowly over time restricting more and more (soon after causing a binge eating disorder and bulimia)  and exercising more and more. I developed bradycardia (36 bpm heart rate) and was on the path for a pacemaker. My blood pressure teetered around 89/58 and I could hardly stand up from a

Dental health tips by coach Tracy K

I want to write about dental health. I know that my dental health improved immensely while eating a carnivore lifestyle. My gums tightened, my teeth grew stronger and my entire mouth has benefited from it. I did have a period when I needed extra cleaning in the beginning of my lifestyle on meat, but that was easily remedied  by coach

Carnivore diet tips by coach Tracy K

Beginning the carnivore lifestyle: Eat when hungry, stop when satisfied. Plan ahead so you have food available for eating each day. Clean your house out of off-plan foods if possible. Throw away the scales but do take pictures and measurements if you like to do measurements. No need to count anything, unless that is your thing. Maybe keep a journal

Carnivore diet tips by coach Becky N

Tips for beginning the carnivore diet ~ Eating a variety of meats from the animal kingdom, animal fats (beef fats-suet or trimmings, bacon grease, pork fat, duck fat, butter/ghee), and keeping electrolytes(sodium, magnesium, potassium) balanced as well.   Tips for the transition period ~ Stick with it & trust the process first couple of weeks then week 6 and/or week

Carnivore diet tips by coach Dana S

Carnivore is a really easy way of eating Most meats can be cooked and plated in 15 minutes or less on stove top. You can cook extra food like a roast or tenderloin and eat on it for a few meals. These are good to take to work and reheat. Cooked Steak is good cold. Ground beef, eggs, or bacon

Carnivore diet tips by coach Michele F

To keep it easy, some find that it’s best not to begin with recipes and keep your food “plain and simple”. This will help you re-engage in the actual taste and texture of meat itself. Keeping your food simple gives you more time to enjoy and engage in other activities. In the beginning of your journey, it may be easiest

Carnivore transition period tips by coach Michele F

Remembering Your “Why”   During the transition, it’s critical to stay motivated and REMEMBER YOUR “WHY.” Write down a list of all the reasons you are trying this way of eating.   What do you want to discover? Or hope to see it? Why challenge yourself in this way? What would you like to overcome? What successes have you heard

Carnivore transition period tips by coach Dana S

Difficulty Digesting Fats (Heartburn, Diarrhea)   Try adding a spore probiotic and ox bile until your body can digest the fat properly. Try changing up the type of fat you are consuming or cutting back temporarily. Problematic fats tend to be: Dairy Pork Chicken Rendered fat Check your salt intake or electrolyte intake. Diarrhea could be due to taking in

Carnivore transition period tips by coach Emily R

Keep It Simple: Personalize Your Carnivore Diet   Keep it simple- Just pick meat you enjoy and can afford! Many people include organs in their carnivore diet, but many don’t. Many carnivores enjoy dairy, but some cannot tolerate it. Many find that they feel better on ruminant meat only.   Others eat any and every meat available. You have a

Getting started & carnivore transition period by coach Elizabeth B

Starting with a Simple Meal Plan When you transition from a diet with carbohydrates of any kind that come from plants, it is best to start with a simple meal plan.   Dealing with Bloating and Gut Changes You will be going through a lot of changes. Your gut bacteria that lived off of carbohydrates will die off. Other bacteria

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