Real People, Real Results.

Jodey improved body composition on a carnivore diet

Hi Shawn, I want to tell you about my experience with the carnivore diet. From keto to carnivore I’ve been eating a highly meat based ketogenic diet for a year now, basically meat and kale and broccoli with lots of butter.  Then 4 months ago I decided after a lot of research and thought (and getting my head around the

Rishi improved digestion and body composition on a carnivore diet

My Meat-Based Diet Journey   I did solely meat for 2018 and ~April 2019. A1C, BG all went down immediately and clothes started getting loose. Triglycerides (TG) were in control but I still ran quite high lipids. I expected it to normalize but it did not really. Weight went down and clothes were getting looser. My irritable bowel symptoms improved

Jennifer improved sleep, migraines, pain, blood pressure on carnivore diet

Jennifer’s Journey To A Full Carnivore Diet   Jennifer is a 32-year-old woman who has been following a “full carnivore diet for almost six or seven weeks.” She had taken an interest in the carnivore diet and lifestyle and “initially started in January but had some personal setbacks, so I put it on the back burner.”   Health Problems Before

Jason improves Chronic Fatigue on carnivore diet

Hi, I’m Jason. I was perfectly healthy until 32, and then my immune system went off the rails.   Stabilizing My Conditions   I have found that eating only meat or fasting stabilizes my condition and removes the immune cytokines that cause flares. I was told I had Lyme’s. I have POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and other autonomic damage

Tracey recovers from allergies, fibrocystic breasts on carnivore diet

I have hesitated for some time to submit my story. I think partly because I began a very low-carb diet in May 2017 before hearing about the Carnivore Diet challenge. I was aware of Amber O’Hearn and others avoiding plant foods. My husband and I had been vegan for just over five years before adding animal foods to our diet

C.D. improved plantar fasciitis and nose bleeds on a carnivore diet

I hope my story might help someone else, who might be in a similar situation, or give some insight into what a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet can do to one’s body over 30 years.   My Struggle With High Carbohydrate Diet And Health Issues   I’m 6’4″, and five years ago, I weighed about 112kg (247 lbs), with a measurement around

Rowan improved cardiovascular health, treated arthritis on carnivore diet

I was struggling trying to lose weight, and found keto so hard to stick to, so easy to fall off. I heard Shawn Baker on Joe Rogan and decided to look into it. I spent about 2 or 3 weeks checking out the info, and asking people on the Zeroing in on Health forum on Facebook numerous questions. After that, I was convinced it

Gabriel improved MS symptoms on carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Gabirel and about a dozen years ago or so, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. This is my story of successfully implementing a carnivore diet. When people ask me how I can eat such a “restrictive” diet, I tell them that MS is much more restrictive. Searching For Alternatives   I watched my sister eventually die

Frank’s asthma was gone after he went on a carnivore diet

So many things to be thankful for… There have been so many things that have changed for me that I have to write them down.  I don’t have my list with me so I will just cover the bigger one’s I remember, getting rid of my anxiety and improving asthma. I was not aware that so many things would be

Brannon improved cardiovascular health, immune system on carnivore diet

Family’s Vegan Diet Challenge   This almost sounds so cliche by now, but after watching the documentary “What The Health,” my family went full-blaze mode and changed their diet drastically. They started to question and worry about my 90% protein (meat) and 10% healthy fat such as avocado or veggies such as baby arugula intakes. After my mother’s plea to

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