Hi Shawn, I want to tell you about my experience with the carnivore diet.
From keto to carnivore
I’ve been eating a highly meat based ketogenic diet for a year now, basically meat and kale and broccoli with lots of butter. Then 4 months ago I decided after a lot of research and thought (and getting my head around the RDA’s) to give zero carb a go, so basically the same diet but without the added greenery! For the past 3 months I’ve been taking part in the 90 day nequalsmany carnivore experiment, which has now finished as of yesterday.
Still some adaptiation needed
I was surprised that even after a such a long time doing a ketogenic diet that pure meat only still needed a few weeks of adaptation, I think this was also partly down to me figuring out the correct amount of fat that my body wanted.
Blood pressure and weight down
Once I got that right or my body simply adapted, things were great, I lost on average 10 points on both my systolic and diastolic blood pressure, I lost half a stone in weight, and 3 inches off my waist. My waist to height ratio started at the beginning of the 3 month period at 0.55 and is now at 0.50! So I’m very pleased with that result.
Nice suprises too
Another surprise was I didn’t need any supplements and everything seems to be working well physically and mentally. I’m alert and feel generally happy day to day.
Lastly I was very surprised at how easily I went to the toilet, not a single problem at all – I didn’t need to go anywhere near as often due to my body utilizing the fuel efficiently, but when I did need to go, it was pain free, and easy.
The lack of flatulence is also nice. I wonder if the “plant pushers” allow for the amount of human flatulence, in their misguided efforts to save the environment.
Hope this helps!
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