Sean solves GI issues, chronic hunger, circulation on carnivore diet

Sean Cosgrove is a personal trainer from Glasgow, Scotland. He found out about the carnivore diet from friends, colleagues and YouTube videos. He was as shocked as anyone to find out that the diet was beneficial for gastrointestinal issues and autoimmune disorders, not because of afflictions he had but rather, those that affected his his mom and sister. Doing a lot of research and reading, he discovered the benefits that many other people were experiencing and decided to give it a try himself.


Improved Dental Cleanliness and Bowel Function


He noticed Improvements in dental cleanliness and bowel function. The improvements in his teeth he attributed to elimination of sugar. As far as bowel function, Sean had been a vegan before and experienced messy, difficult cleanup after a movement but now the trips to the bathroom are much more pleasant with much easier cleanup.


Freedom from Hypoglycemia


Hypoglycemia is no longer an issue with Sean either. When he was a vegan, his cycling coach recommended eating loads of fruit every 30 to 90 minutes leaving him feeling hyper and bloated. Instead of eating 6 to 8 times per day as he did on a vegan/vegetarian diet, he eats much less frequently now on a carnivore diet meaning that he didn’t need to prepare foods to store in plastic containers to take along on cycling trips. The hunger that was there previously every two hours or so was gone as Sean followed a carnivore regimen and he found that to be liberating.


Better Circulation and No Special Gear Required


Sean also experienced better circulation in his arms, legs, hands and feet. Cycling to work, even on days when it was not that cold, he would find that his hands and feet would become abnormally cold. Following a carnivore diet, it’s not necessary for him to wear special gloves, socks or shoes. Now ordinary gloves and footwear are adequate.


Boost in Testosterone and Energy


Another benefit for Sean was improvements in his testosterone levels. Previously on a vegan diet, as shown by blood tests, his testosterone levels were marginal and he felt muscle fatigue after working out and he was tired. Now following the carnivore regimen, he has much more energy and attributes it to improvements in testosterone levels.


Greater Satisfaction and Health Benefits with Carnivore Diet


Sean eats less now in terms of volume and frequency but derives greater satisfaction and health benefits following the carnivore lifestyle than he did following a vegan lifestyle.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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