Christopher improved cardiovascular health, nervous system on carnivore diet

Hey everyone,

I would like to make this short and simple since this diet is just that. Cutting out all carbohydrates has been the most profound thing I have done for my health. It’s been a phenomenal 3 months. The benefits of this diet are undeniable and obvious. I have experienced optimal health for the first time after a long journey of seeking it. I now know what it feels like to be nourished for the first time in my 32 years of life, even after vegan, paleo, Atkins.

I have to ask, why has this been hidden for so long? As an ICU nurse I care for a never-ending line of heart attack and stroke patients. They just never stop coming and its all day everyday, and everywhere.

  • Neuro: My mood is stable and peaceful all day, my mind is easily focused. No more need for coffee or caffeine intake. No more energy crashes after meals. Nagging back pain from a pinched nerve is gone.
  • Cardiopulmonary: A significant improvement in both short and long distance exercises. Recovery during exercise is much faster.
  • Gut health: NO more gas, bloating, hemorrhoids and painful bowel movements. There is very little stool output every 3-4 days. I used to eat 2-3 bananas a day just to keep everything regular and soft.
  • Losing weight is effortless: I lost 17 pounds of water and fat in 2 weeks (from 205-188). I’m leaner than I ever been. I eat beef, eggs, and lard. I’ve never been more satisfied and still get excited for every meal. I’m never hungry between meals, I can easily work a 12 hour shift without food or snacks. I stopped taking all my supplements: vitamins/minerals, fish oil, protein powders, pre-workouts. I no longer feel like I’m missing out on anything in my diet anymore. Sugar cravings no longer exist. The idea of something sweet is now repulsive to me.
  • Genitourinary: Kidneys still work just fine. Libido healthier than ever.
  • Musculoskeletal: I can see my abs again with relatively little work. I used to work out twice a day! Crossfit has been my life. After adopting this diet I no longer feel the need to exercise as much. (this is a huge benefit for me). If I miss a few days or even a week in the gym, it’s no big deal. I just feel so good and my joints are happier for it. This is the lowest percentage of body fat I’ve ever experienced.

Lastly, we need to advocate this diet to our friends and family. I know the majority of people will scoff at the idea of an all meat diet, but statistically speaking these are the same people who will eventually be rotating through emergency rooms, ICU’s, nursing homes, and morgues.

Cut out all plant food. Stay away from coffee and tea. Eat meat and drink water. Do this for a month and you’ll better understand that humans evolved to eat this way for a reason.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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