Success Stories

Real People, Real Results.

Ryan cleared auto-immune disorder that affected his right eye

I am 37 years old in Southeastern Massachusetts, and a married father of 3 young girls ages 8, 4, and 18 months. I was an athlete growing up through high school and always was fairly active, giving minor attention to my diet.   I noticed, like clockwork, I’d put on 10 lbs a year starting at 30, regardless of how

Lycia and Family Heal On Carnivore Lifestyle

A Personal Trainer’s Health Journey   Adam has been a personal trainer for over ten years. He has been through “some tough times” that have left him “feeling I’m in the best place in my life.”   Struggling with Acne and Psoriasis   Adam had “a lot of acne” when he was young. Looking for relief, he tried Accutane, which

Joey Heals Skin Issues, Improves Cognition On Carnivore Diet

Joey Schwartz is wise beyond his years. Growing up in L.A. with a nutritionist mom, he has always had a keen interest in health and wellness. “I’ve always been super fascinated in nutrition—trying to find the best food to eat to ensure longevity, happiness…you know, overall satisfaction in life.” He grew up on the low-fat menu his mom (and many

Serena Beats Disordered Eating On Carnivore Diet

Serena’s Struggle with Eating Disorders and Parosmia   Serena lives in southwest Virginia and has a history of being bulimic for 20 years and disordered eating for ten years after that.   Serena would binge and then not eat for the next two or three days to punish herself. Her mother is an alcoholic, and her father is a drug

Melissa And Tom Are Navigating Cancer On The Carnivore Diet

“I have an amazing story for you,” Melissa tells us.   Melissa’s Carnivore Journey Her carnivore journey started in 2016 when her daughter was diagnosed with brain cancer. It was at this time that she found Dr. Baker.   From Tragedy to Triumph Despite Melissa’s best efforts, her daughter chose not to combine carnivore with conventional cancer treatments. Sadly, Melissa’s

Lasse No Longer Has Migraines On The Carnivore Diet

Debilitating Migraine Attacks and Failed Treatments Since I was 25 I’ve been suffering from what you would call debilitating migraine attacks at the scale of 15-25 days a month. (I’m now 35). I would have such severe headaches that the only form of remedy was sitting in a steaming hot shower with water running down my head for hours. The

Heidi Manages Type 1 Diabetes on Carnivore Diet

Heidi’s Journey with Diabetes   In 2009, Heidi thought her blood sugar problems were over as she welcomed the birth of her son. While still recovering in the hospital, she was assured by the staff that her first meal of Lorna Doone cookies was perfectly fine—gestational diabetes she had while she was pregnant was now a thing of the past. 

Claire Reverses Osteoporosis and Puts On Muscle In Her 60s On A Carnivore Diet

Claire’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet   An educator for over 20 years, school principal Claire needed more energy to keep up with her busy schedule. After being diagnosed with osteoporosis nine years ago, she started a fitness journey leading her to CrossFit classes and weight training. However, after experiencing less-than-stellar results, her coach encouraged her to look closely at

Allie Manages Her Son’s Non-Verbal Autism

Allie’s Carnivore-Based Diet Journey As a young woman, Allie Morgan battled issues that ran the gamut from IBS, seizures, migraines to bipolar disorder. After a series of health setbacks landed her in the hospital, she reached out to an uncle who had been managing his diabetes with a low-carb diet, and after delving into the literature herself, she took the

Jon heals from gut issues, fatigue, and arthritis

The Fruitarian Diet and its Promises of Healing Chronic Diseases   I was a raw vegan/fruitarian for seven years. I was actually an influencer in that community and offered health consultations helping people heal chronic degenerative diseases using a fruitarian diet and now do the same thing but now recommend an animal-based diet/carnivore.    I’ve actually helped many in the

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