Lasse No Longer Has Migraines On The Carnivore Diet

Debilitating Migraine Attacks and Failed Treatments

Since I was 25 I’ve been suffering from what you would call debilitating migraine attacks at the scale of 15-25 days a month. (I’m now 35). I would have such severe headaches that the only form of remedy was sitting in a steaming hot shower with water running down my head for hours. The attacks also came with migraine auras such as paralyzing my right side of my torso, leg and arm, blinding my eye, zig zag lights, feeling of floating in the air, dizziness, ear pain and on the list goes.


I went through 4 MRI scans to rule out any form of stroke. I visited 8 different neurologists in 3 different countries to try and deal with it. Every neurologist prescribed me another form of medicine such as epilepsy meds, blood thinners and other forms of drugs which I honestly can’t remember. Not a single drug helped me.


I’ve also suffered from really bad IBS since I was a kid, never ending on/off diarrhea. No doctor ever told me perhaps an elimination diet would do that trick. They just told me “take some more probiotics”, which never actually worked.


I’ve always been exercising and in good shape since I was 20. Strength training 6 days a week, swimming and playing golf.


Discovering the Carnivore Diet as a Solution

After listening to you on JRE I decided to give the carnivore diet a try. I went full elimination for 30 days with only eating meat and organs. I cut out all the processed junk. All sugar, all diet cokes, smoking, stopped drinking alcohol, etc.


Positive Impact of the Carnivore Diet on Migraines and IBS

After 30 days I added avocado to my diet, which worked fine, later on I added a bit of fruits here and there, organic papaya and some wild organic honey after listening to Paul Saladino. My body tolerated this quite well, I did however get some sort of “brain fog” which was quite similar to my migraine auras when I ate too much fruit. I now have a spoon of honey daily, an avocado and perhaps 1 piece of fruit, which works just fine.


Transitioning and Adjusting the Diet

After changing my diet, I stopped all forms of medication. I’m now down to having about 1 migraine attack with very minor pain and no auras about once a month!!!!!!

I’ve visited quite a few neurologists after I started my diet years ago, but not a single one seemed very interested in what I experienced. They just looked at my cholesterol and suggested perhaps I should stop and start taking some statins.


Liberation from Medications and Improved Quality of Life

I was really hoping that perhaps you could give me some clue to what the heck happened to my brain to suddenly be able to function in a “normal” way!


Gratitude and the Desire to Share the Success Story

You have absolutely no idea how grateful I am to both you and Joe for literally letting me live my life again!!


No idea if you’ll ever read this, but my parents always taught me to let someone know if they did something good to others.


In your contact information on “success stories”, it said something about a podcast, I’m not sure what that involves but I’d be happy to tell my story so other people with migraines can benefit just like I did!


Best regards and I wish you all the best!



Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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