Success Stories

Real People, Real Results.

Shawn lost weight and improved his mental health on a carnivore diet

Shawn’s Carnivore Experience   Starting weight: 327.5 lbs.   Mood: Depressed, lifeless   Activity: Does playing Xbox and struggling to roll over in my bed count?   I had tried over and over differing ways of losing weight. Nothing stuck, nothing felt right. I was sick all the time. Found the Carnivore diet on the Rogan podcast.   It actually

Warren improved his mental health and addiction on a carnivore diet

Warren’s Carnivore Experience    I am extremely happy with my results while eating the Carnivore Diet. I’ve been a health conscious individual with a pretty heavy sugar addiction for the most of my adult life.   I’ve tried different diets and supplements over the years, with the goal always being the same: to rid myself any depression, anxiety, or brain

Patricia improved arthritis and joint pain on a carnivore diet

Patricia’s Experience with the Carnivore Diet    I grew up in a family where the dad ate protein, and the family ate potatoes, vegetables, and bread and drank dehydrated nonfat milk. As a child, I was chubby, had digestion and elimination problems, and was always taking medication for ear infections, sore throat, or hay fever.   In 1992, I was

Filip improved his knee pain and 29 more health issues on a carnivore diet

A Long List Of Improvements   These are my health improvements after one year of cutting out all plants and dairy from my diet. Healed knee: I had a bike accident as a kid and have always felt a slight pain in my knee since then. My knee is now completely healed. The healing process took six months, and my

Udo lost weight and improved mental health on a carnivore diet

  12 Months A Carnivore If you are like most people out there, you may clutch your pearls at the thought of somebody eating nothing but or mostly meat. And when it’s not meat it is exclusively from the animal kingdom. And NO fruits and vegetables!   Turns out there are lots of people like this. Not only are they

William improved his digestion and mental health on a carnivore diet

I, like so many, was taught eat your fruits and vegetables as well as drink your milk and eat multigrain breads and cereals – it’s GOOD for you! Well my whole life I’ve always had one stomach or digestive problem after another. In 1980, I was put on Tagamet/Cimetidine at 14 years old the doctor said you have ulcers take

Stacey reversed heart disease on carnivore diet

Stacey describes her carnivore journey as “somewhat of a miracle,” and her doctor would have to agree! In less than a year, she has completely reversed heart disease and lost weight while following a carnivore diet. Nine months ago, Stacey received scary news from her cardiologist that no patient wants to hear. “I was diagnosed with left bundle branch blockage,”

Kade improved liver function on a carnivore diet

My name is Kade. I live in a small town in the middle of Wyoming, where I was born and raised. A thirty-year-old with hunting, fishing, and the outdoors deeply ingrained in my way of life. Before this way of eating all started over a year ago, I ate a SAD (Standard American Diet) and really enjoyed my beer (what’s

Jay improved his sports performance on a carnivore diet

On the first of the year, a good friend sent me a Joe Rogan podcast interview with Dr. Shawn Baker regarding the carnivore diet. As a healthcare professional and generally health conscious individual, I was intrigued with the logic and supporting clinical information. However, an important missing piece of evidence in my opinion were measurable lab results so I decided

Rick improved cardiovascular health, fitness, joint pain on carnivore diet

Carnivore way of eating for 5 months. Cardiovascular: My blood pressure dropped from 130/90 to 95/65 (lowest). Triglyceride to HDL ratio 1.42, down to 1.17 Joints: Knee pain gone. Nerves: Tremor in left little finger gone, depression and anxiety gone. Energy up: Doing push-ups and cycling. Skin: Fingernails not ridging. Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those

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