Jack improved diabetes on carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Jack. I retired last December 2017. I’m 60 years old. My job stressed me out, and I ate everything in sight every night after work. I had reached a weight of 237 pounds at the time of my retirement.


Eating Carnivore And Hitting The Gym


My son, a PE and health teacher, turned me on to zero carbs and eating more proteins, which meant a lot of meat, eggs, bacon, etc. We live in New York state but spent January through March in Florida.


The first thing I did on arrival was join a gym. I started my new way of eating and went to the gym every day. I worked on aerobic equipment in the beginning and then moved on to weight machines. I am down to 206 pounds.


Shocking My Doctor


I had a doctor’s appointment last week. I purposely asked to have blood work before my visit to see if my efforts paid off. I was in shock with the results.


My Total Cholesterol went from 205 down to 145. Granted, I am on a low-dose statin, but my Cholesterol was always low 200’s even on that dose. My Triglycerides went from 150 down to 80. My HDL went from 40 to 65, and my LDL was down to 64.


Also, my fasting blood glucose for the last few years was trending around 105, which is heading towards diabetic. My level this time was 93. Needless to say, my doctor was shocked and said I was doing amazing.


Coming Off Medicine


I have hypertension and am on two different drugs for that. He put one of those drugs on hold as he feels I no longer need it. I will likely be coming off the statin soon too. With all the progress in weight loss, I no longer dread going to the gym. I look forward to it every day.


Not Going Back


I no longer crave pizza, chips, and fast food. My wife also followed the high protein/low carb and went to the gym, and she has lost 20 pounds. I can’t see myself ever going back to eating the way I used to. This feels so good!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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