
Real People, Real Results.

Steve cures Irritable Bowel Syndrome with a carnivore diet

Up until going carnivore, I had IBS for as long as I can remember. It seemed like literally everything I ate made me feel bloated. I have sometimes prevented myself from going to social functions or dating because of the amount of gas my body would generate, especially if I ate foods that were particularly carby. Whenever I felt that

Peter improved blood pressure, Type-2 diabetes, Crohn’s on carnivore diet

Peter’s Experience with Carnivore    Six years ago, after dropping most carbs from my diet and relying mainly on meat protein and eggs, I lost 40kg and resolved Type-2 diabetes , my blood pressure normalized, my asthma resolved, my Crohns disease is in remission, and my gout vanished. I used to take a handful of drugs everyday – now nothing. Meat

Amy healed psoriasis, yeast overgrowth, brain fog on carnivore diet

For the majority of my life I have tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle. i’ve eaten clean, exercised regularly, played often in the mountains and in the sun, practiced yoga and meditation, de-stressed with massage or acupuncture, used vitamins, supplements and oils and have maintained a regular, healthy sleep routine. But I’ve continuously struggled MOST OF MY LIFE with the

Jodelle improved hypothyroidism on carnivore diet

Hypothyroidism and its Symptoms Jodelle’s bloodwork revealed she had hypothyroidism. After receiving the news, she adopted a strict carnivore diet, eating only meat. Her results were life-changing, and she was able to heal in numerous ways.   Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is underactive and doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. When someone is deficient in thyroid

Justin healed skin rashes on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Justin. My story is pretty intense and spans practically my entire life.   Issues From Birth   I am a c-section baby, and for as long as I can remember, I have been sick. As a young child, my autoimmune issues weren’t so severe. Minor eczema, canker sores. But I did showcase autistic tendencies and always

Galen healed Crohn’s disease on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Galen. Here is my story:  Although I specifically asked the gastroenterologist for dietary advice at the time, he had no recommendations to offer, but prescribed me several anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drugs. Abdominal Pain And Crohn’s Disease   In the Summer and Fall of 1995, I started intermittently experiencing extremely sharp abdominal pain. Over the course of

Mihaela improved mega colon and constipation on a carnivore diet

“My healing with foods quest started in my early 20s. I was in my second year of veterinary medicine studies when I became aware of my chronic constipation. (Knowledge is power!)   Struggling with Chronic Constipation   I was diagnosed with megacolon and recommended: colon surgery, to reduce the size of my very large, large intestine, so I could have

Ed lost weight and improved energy on a carnivore diet

Ed began a carnivore diet just over a year ago, in July 2018. He’s enjoyed numerous health benefits since making the switch to a meat-based diet. Over the last year, Ed has lost 40 pounds. “My weight and BMI are now within the healthy range.” This is the first time in decades that Ed has fallen within that category. “I

Wendy improved brain fog, and digestive issues on a carnivore diet

I recently completed my first year as a 100% carnivore, eating only meat, fish, salt, and water. For 41 years, I had been vegan/vegetarian, being almost totally vegan during that time.   When I became vegan in the 1970s, it was because I believed that all meat production was cruel (‘meat is murder’!!) and that a plant-based diet is clean

Scott improved sleep, strength, muscularity, and more on a carnivore diet

Scott was raised on a standard American diet filled with sugary and carb-laden foods. He jokes that his parents kept him “complicit and compliant” by offering him snacks. Until the eighth grade, Scott says he was on the “pudgy” side, but once he took up the sport of rowing, that began to change.   From Pudgy to Competitive Rower Throughout

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