Matt improved diabetes on a carnivore diet

Hi, I’m Matt.


Starting With Keto For Metabolic Syndrome


It was time to do something at 365lbs, high blood pressure rising, fatty liver getting worse, T2 worsening, and cholesterol skyrocketing. I started Keto on 1/1/19, strictly 20g carb max per day calories from fat 70% min = dropped 23 lbs, and felt things were starting to stabilize.


Switching To Carnivore


I switched 2/1/19 to Carnivore (Full carnivore, save some botanicals and ACV as homeopathic supplements). Within three days, the pain from C3-4 and C6-7 8mm spinal stenosis’ vanished.


Yes, vanished! Inflammation throughout my body wooshed away, along with a ton of extra water weight (not dehydrated as pee is the correct shade, and skin snaps back when pulled/pinched). 2nd week in February, I did a liver detox, and seeing how easily I could fast through that, I started OMAD. I then thought I’d try a 48-hour strict dry fast.


Fasting Regime


Ok, that was hard, but it did its work. I figure with all of the body fat I’m burning, I’ve got to be releasing a ton of toxins into my system, so I’ve instituted a 3x week coffee enema, which seems to be doing the trick. I’ve incorporated morning walks and graduated to 3×42 fasting on mineral salts, water, tea, and black coffee only.


Off Most Of My Meds


Feasting 2500 -3000 cal at 80% from fat in between fasts. Since 2/1/19, another 23 lbs! In that period, based on my scales body fat%, I’ve actually gained 3 lbs of lean mass (no resistance training yet).


I am off of all diabetes (glucose is more stable and lower than when on meds), high blood pressure (dropped 30/20, and resting pulse has dropped from the mid-80s to mid ’60s), cholesterol, and sleep aid/depression meds. I’m actually just waking up fully rested on my own at 5 am when I used to have to set the alarm for 8:30 am.


Drugs Are Not The Solution


I’m awaiting today’s blood work to see if I can safely get off of Testosterone and Gout meds. CVS keeps wishfully sending me reminders to order more drugs . . . but I don’t think the cause of my illnesses was drug deficiencies. I’m pretty sure Carnivore, IF, and EF are working wonders!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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