Cardiovascular health

Real People, Real Results.

Jim lost weight, improved energy and blood pressure, and reduced medications on a carnivore diet

Jim is a man on a mission, a mission to regain his health after a significant wake-up call. In the past, he followed a standard American diet. This dietary approach typically includes a heavy focus on processed foods, refined sugars, and high levels of carbohydrates. However, Jim’s health crisis, a stroke, compelled him to reevaluate his lifestyle and nutrition. Shifting

Mollie reduced coronary artery calcium (CAC) score while on a carnivore diet

At the age of 65, Mollie is a shining example of how diet can reshape one’s health and quality of life. In the throes of her retirement years, Mollie is reaping the benefits of a diet that many might view as unconventional – the carnivore diet. Before this significant shift in her diet, Mollie had spent years battling health issues.

Aaron K reversed diabetes and hypertension and lost weight on a carnivore diet

My name is Aaron K, and I am a devoted husband and father to eight beautiful children. In my mid-forties, I received a life-altering diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and was advised to take statin drugs. Despite my persistent efforts to diet on and off for years, I found myself trapped in a cycle of temporary success

Scott improved sleep, gout, GERD, energy, libido, blood pressure, and weight on the carnivore diet

In 2010 after honorably discharging from the United States Marine Corps, Scott’s weight slowly crept up. Without the daily rigors and structure of military life, now attending college, Scott stopped paying attention to what went into his body, stopped caring for himself, and allowed his weight to balloon to 270lbs. Scott’s life revolved around his wife, growing family, and being

Ramona and Doug improved digestion and metabolic markers on the carnivore diet

My name is Ramona. I live in a small town on the Garden Route called Sedgefield in South Africa. I was born in Cape Town on 25 September 1969 making me 53 years old. I matriculated from high school in 1987 in Durbanville, just outside Cape Town. I was very active growing up, doing everything from ballet as a young

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