Autoimmune Health

Real People, Real Results.

Stefania controls autoimmune disorders, celiac and Hashimotos on a carnivore lifestyle

Stefania’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet Being Italian, Stefania was raised on pasta and described her relationship with food before finding the carnivore diet as being very poor. She says she always felt chubby, even though she wasn’t obese, and often found herself stress eating. She even battled anorexia and bulimia.   From Vegetarian to Keto Stefania became a vegetarian

Travis experienced Zerocarb Zen and diminished cravings on a carnivore diet

Questioning The Modern Diet: A Return To The Ancestral Way Of Eating   When Travis was 23 years old, he was living in New York City. With a good health history, his post-college weight was 175 pounds, which he considered a little overweight. Travis decided to go on a ketogenic diet in the summer of 2012 and was “on and

Tatiana Z healed her gut and dropped the hormone replacement medicine on a carnivore diet

Health Struggles: Antibiotics, Hashimoto’s Disease, And SIBO   Meet Tatiana. She is a Meat RX coach and lives in Thailand. She believes that her health problems began at birth. She was born with a blood infection and had strong antibiotics on the first day of life. As a child, she couldn’t participate in sports and was not as active as

Micki’s MS is in remission and her bowel issues are gone all with a carnivore diet

For 34 years, Micki suffered from multiple sclerosis (MS), which affected her balance, mobility, and cognitive function. Since implementing a low-carb diet and, more recently, following a carnivore diet, Micki is thrilled to report she is in complete remission! Anti-Inflammatory Diets and Their Impact on Autoimmune Conditions Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling autoimmune disease of the brain and

Tash healed her stomach pain and autoimmune issues on a carnivore diet

It was in 2015 that my food journey began.  As a personal trainer, I am used to waking up early for clients.  But over a period of a few months in 2015, a fatigue slowly built.  I was working long hours, was also a competitive athlete and was under a lot of stress.  It was the sort of tiredness where

Tavis healed his skin, digestion on a carnivore diet

A Journey to a Meat-Based Diet: Tavis’ Story   After welcoming his first child in 2015, Tavis and his partner were looking for ways to eat healthier and live more sustainably. They committed to living off the produce grown in their own vegetable garden and raised chickens to supply fresh eggs. “I would describe our approach as an ‘economic vegetarian’

Steve reduced symptoms of restless leg syndrome on a carnivore diet

Sitting across from his doctor at his annual physical seven months ago, Steve was faced with some tough news. “Your creatine, protein, and vitamin B12 levels are low,” the doctor reported. “I’m detecting malnutrition here.” It was a moment Steve will not soon forget, and he made the decision to leave veganism behind in search for a way of eating

Ginamarie no longer suffers from symptoms of MS on a carnivore diet

At just 24 years old, Ginamarie got the devastating diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a disease that attacks the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves, impacting the entire central nervous system. In Ginamarie’s case, by age 32, she was unable to walk without assistance, and struggled with fatigue throughout the day. Her husband believed a meat-based diet may be able

Erin ditched the plants and eliminated her eczema

Erin’s Health Struggles   As a young woman, Erin was diagnosed with endometriosis, which was initially treated with birth control, and she was later diagnosed with celiac disease, hyperglycemia, and severe eczema.   Dietary Approaches That Didn’t Work She tried several different dietary approaches (paleo, keto, and AIP), but they did not produce the kind of healing results that a

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