Travis improved mental health, skin issues, and ulcerative colitis on a carnivore diet

Travis’ Challenging Health Journey


Travis is a health coach with a focus on a carnivore diet. He has had quite the health journey to get where he is today! Let’s take a look at his experiences.


Travis didn’t start life on an easy path, experiencing his first heart operation when he was only three years old. By the time Travis was 34 years old, he would have had seven more heart operations. That is truly a challenging beginning to life!


Travis experienced many other health problems in his quest for health. He suffered from several brain-based problems, such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and brain fog. These issues all indicate a person’s brain is inflamed and running on empty.


Symptoms and Challenges


Travis experienced that in the form of these several related symptoms. In addition to these brain symptoms, he also suffered from chronic headaches. These are often one of the major symptoms of the brain functioning in an imbalanced way. 


Our brains typically rest at night, purging metabolic waste and replenishing supplies of essential neurotransmitters.


However, this requires deep restorative sleep, and Travis experienced restless nights instead. Travis also suffered from stomach ulcers as well as ulcerative colitis. “All of it was horrible!” he says. He still didn’t give up, though.


Seeking Solutions


Burdened with this list of symptoms, Travis continued seeking solutions. He was originally on a “standard Western diet” and began to look for alternatives. The standard Western diet is well documented in research as the standard to use when the researcher wants to make the lab animals develop a disease, which they then experiment on. It’s also known as the Standard American Diet, or SAD, which it certainly is!


Diet Experiments


Travis tried a vegan diet, but despite how much it is currently promoted as the solution to everything, he did not find it helped him. He also used a paleo diet before transitioning into a ketogenic diet and finally found and followed the carnivore diet. He has followed the diet for seven years now!


A Believer in Carnivore Diet


He has put a lot of work into understanding how it works and is amazed at the impact of the carnivore diet on today’s belief systems. “I’ve studied nutrition professionally, and currently research nutrition obsessively, now that modern understanding of nutrition has been turned on its head….” Personal experience is certainly very motivating when it comes to learning. 


Travis is now a complete believer in the diet, having seen the results it has brought him and his nutrition clients.


“Based on my previous experience, my education on the subject, and current years of practice in Carnivore, I can easily say that not only was Carnivore the solution, but it ultimately solidified itself as the human-appropriate diet, and I have remained on it since.”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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