Thyroid & hormones

Real People, Real Results.

Meat: The Ultimate Superfood

Why is meat such a staple across cultures? Because human life demands it, and it’s one of our most primitive needs. Eating meat is as vital to our survival as breathing. If we don’t provide our bodies with a regular supply, then our bodies begin to cannibalize our tissues to make up for the deficit. That’s when the slow reabsorption

Kelly Heals From Hashimoto’s With Ketovore Diet

Prioritizing Health and Fitness: My Journey   I’ve always held health and fitness as top priorities in my life; very active and played sports growing up; I continued to lift weights and work out throughout my adult life. My diet has always been a standard American diet with a mixture of “healthy” veggie-based and fruit-forward foods.   Never thought my

Nicole D Is Her Best Self On The Carnivore Diet

I am an aspiring Carnivore.Diet Coach. I began the Carnivore Diet July 1, 2019 after giving Keto a try to rid myself of recurring infections such as mastitis and UTI’s. Little did I know, my left kidney was holding on to a larg calcium oxalate kidney stone. 3 months in to Carnivore the stone tried to exit and got stuck

Dunja healed Hashimoto’s and Alex healed perforated colon

Dunja and Alex’s Health Struggles Before the Carnivore Diet   Dunja describes their diet before carnivore as a healthy version of the Standard American Diet—home-cooked food, no junk food, meat, vegetables, and fruit. Alex adds that he did eat a lot of nuts and grains, thinking they were healthy.   Dunja found it very hard to focus, tired easily, and

Tracey reversed her Hashimoto’s on a carnivore diet

Tracey’s Health Journey When she turned 40, Tracey had been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, and she took an interest in low-carbohydrate diets. She would follow the low-carb ways and then a ketogenic diet for the next six years. Low-carbohydrate Diet and Ketogenic Diet Tracey had been following Dr. Shawn Baker, and she also had some clients that were curious about the

Jean lowered TSH which shows Hashimoto is on the mend on from a carnivore way of eating

Jean’s Struggle with Weight and Health Issues Jean has a long history of dieting, and started out being overweight as a child. While she was “almost normal as a teenager,” she found herself struggling with her weight in her twenties and thirties. She is 5’ 4”, and found her weight fluctuating between 130 and 140, even occasionally to 160 pounds.

Kimberly resolved adult-onset cystic acne and lost 15lbs

From Athleticism to Inactivity: A Weight Gain Story   Kimberly describes before finding the carnivore way of eating, her diet “could have been better.” Kimberly was an athlete for most of her childhood and into her early twenties. Kimberly says she ate whatever she wanted on the Standard American Diet and didn’t fear gaining weight because she was so active.

Tammy reversed arthritis, simple seizures, PCOS on a Carnivore lifestyle

Tammy is originally from the United States but lives in Uraguay with her husband. She has an incredible story of healing thanks to the carnivore way of eating. Tammy describes for most of her life, she ate the Standard American Diet. Tammy has always been a naturally thin person. She says she weighed ninety-eight pounds for most of her life

Tessa going carnivore helped take me from the brink of death to a thriving, joyous life

Tessa’s Chronic Illness and Diagnosis   Tessa describes being so chronically ill her doctors didn’t know what to do with her. Tessa has a history of eating disorders but says for most of her adult life. She didn’t struggle with eating. Tessa ate copious amounts of food but couldn’t seem to gain weight.    Tessa says she experimented with the

Ame lost weight, balanced hormones, and is free from food addiction on carnivore lifestyle

Ame’s Struggle with Weight and Food Addiction   Ame is a mom of five and says she discovered the carnivore diet after years of dieting without any success. Ame had an addiction to food that she struggled to control. She says she ate the Standard American Diet and was overweight. Her weight made it difficult for Ame to feel confident

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