
Real People, Real Results.

John improved hypothyroidism and inflammation on a carnivore diet

From Exercise Freak To Carnivore Convert: John’s Journey To Optimal Health   John was always aware of the importance of diet and exercise to maintain his health, but it wasn’t until he started a carnivore diet 21 months ago that he truly discovered his best health. (His photos show his progress from the first 18 months, 30 lbs lost!)  

Dawn reversed her osteoarthritis and menopause symptoms on a carnivore diet

Struggling with Weight and Osteoarthritis Diagnosis   I have always struggled with my weight. At aged nine, I was put on a 1000-calorie-a-day diet, the first of many attempts to be a healthy weight. In my twenties, I was told I had a binge eating disorder and that I should never try to restrict what I ate as this would

Trudy improved sleep, fitness, and pain on a carnivore fasting lifestyle

Hi, my name is Trudy; 59 years old, 5’7″, and weigh around 125 lbs. At one point in my life, not that long ago, I weighed over 160 lbs, was sluggish, full of inflammation, stressed, and strung out.   Trudy’s Journey to Fasting Carnivore Lifestyle   I have been a Fasting Carnivore since September 2019 and have experimented with fasting

Lara improved her malabsorption on a fasting, carnivore lifestyle

Lara’s Health Journey   Hi there,   My name is Lara. Dawn Leighton is a good friend of mine, and I have been doing Carnivore on fish and eggs for almost two years.   I gave up dairy (except butter), caffeine, coffee, and tea on January 1st. My original plan was to go keto with my mom, but it quickly

Krissy eliminated chronic pain on carnivore diet

Hi I’m Krissy. Let me give you a little bit of background first: I always had an interest in health from the time I was young when I worked as a lifeguard, swam, and was very active. I originally wanted to become a doctor to help others with their health so my first degree was in Biology.  Starting My Own

Heath fixed his metabolic syndrome on carnivore diet

Heath is 58 years old and has battled with his weight for much of his adult life. From 1989 until 2018, he saw his waistline expand and his weight increase, year after year. Heath knew that the weight gain was taking a toll on his life and increasing the odds of disease. Heath had developed insulin resistance, also known as

Mark improved joint pain, hypertension and gained muscle on carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Mark, aka The Carnivore Grandpa. I would like to start by thanking for inviting me to share my story. Thank you for all you do. I am 56 year old husband, father, and grandfather. Married to the love of my life for 36 yrs, father of six wonderful children, and Grandfather of 12. They are

Daryl lost weight and improved his sleep and snoring on a carnivore diet

Dear Shawn, I wanted to relay my personal story as I just read your book and there is one disease I think you should add to the list of diseases that could potentially be eliminated on the carnivore diet. This includes snoring and sleep apnea, which do not appear on the list in your book. My story is as follows:

Kristen ended chronic inflammation on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Kristen and I would love to be included as one of the CARNIVORE SUCCESS stories.   From SAD to AWESOME   From SAD syndrome, I transitioned to low carb and eventually keto for years..I just never could maintain my progress. I never saw the body composition changes I wanted, despite lots of heavy lifting. Autoimmune issues

Becky improved digestion, hormones, cardiovascular health on carnivore diet

Hi I’m Becky! I’m 38 and I started my weight loss journey in 2002-03. After the birth of my first child, I was at my highest weight–over 200lbs. I was suppose to be a happy new mom, but I was anything but. I hated what I saw in the mirror and was depressed I allowed myself to get to that point. You

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