Becky improved digestion, hormones, cardiovascular health on carnivore diet

Hi I’m Becky! I’m 38 and I started my weight loss journey in 2002-03.

After the birth of my first child, I was at my highest weight–over 200lbs. I was suppose to be a happy new mom, but I was anything but. I hated what I saw in the mirror and was depressed I allowed myself to get to that point. You know, eating for two and all. I attempted calorie restriction, but I was going through alot of stress (divorce) and instead found myself eating my feelings until they were numb.

This started a vicious eating cycle and no doubt damaged my metabolism. I did managed to lose some weight, then I got pregnant with my second child in 2005 and remarried. In 2006, I joined Weight Watchers in hopes of reaching my goal weight. I didn’t feel comfortable in my body eating predominantly plant-based and lean protein that Weight Watchers encourages. But let’s face it, those food items were less points, and I could eat more.

I started to have some health issues–orthostatic hypotension, asthma, and heart issues. I had to see a cardiologist and pulmonologist and under went a stress test, echo, lung function test, etc. All the doctors wanted to treat the symptoms with medication instead of getting to the root cause of what was actually wrong.

Our town lost our local WW meeting place and out of frustration, I ended up going to more of a Standard American diet. My weight yo-yoed. I had my third child in 2008.  At my follow up, I had a subpar pap screening result. Because I had a strong family history of ovarian/uterine cancer, I ended up having an hysterectomy with BSO in 2011. This basically put me into surgical menopause.

My hormones were out of balance, and my physician wanted me to do HRT but it made me sick. I had bad brain fog and headaches. And it definitely didn’t help weightloss efforts with all the inflammation and bloating. In 2015, I started doing the Trim Healthy Mama diet which was a struggle due to its complexity.  I found myself eating fatty meals along with carbs which was a no no. I ended up falling back into the Standard American diet again and the cycle continued.

In 2016 after doing some research, I stumbled across keto. I cut my carbs down to 20g, ate moderate protein, and high fat. I consumed fat bombs, steaks, chicken thighs, bulletproof coffee, full fat dairy, and salads with full fat dressings, etc. I lost weight, but I still had bloating, inflammation, and menopausal type symptoms.

After a while, I started to notice how certain foods affected me. “Ketofied” junk food, fat bombs, and baked goods caused bloating, inflammation, and cravings. I stalled which caused more depression and frustration.

Out of desperation, I started to become even more proactive and continued to eliminate foods. In January 2019, I came across World Carnivore Month that Shawn Baker started. I honestly thought he was nuts eating just Ribeyes, but I figured what the heck. It’s just a month.

In June, I had a genetic test done and found out I have health traits/variants for Type 2 diabetes as well as having a family history of diabetes and hypertension. After finding out this information, I knew I was on the right path with carnivore.

I’m currently still carnivore. Yes, I’ve had a few slips throughout the year but as time goes on, it becomes easier to recognize what nutrients my body needs. I still battle the mental struggles of carb and sugar addiction, but I have learned I need to be an abstainer. I knew I needed to change my relationship with food and now view it as nourishment instead of using it to fill an emotional void.

I seek my nourishment from animal based food thanks to Dr. Baker! I feel better than I have on any other diet I’ve tried, and I don’t foresee any change to my eating lifestyle. My 2019 focus was nutrition and healing.  I took a break from exercise in order to heal. I feel better than I’ve felt in years!

With the healing of Carnivore, I’ve had a 30+lb weightloss. But an even bigger positive effect is my hormones are more balanced–no night sweats, mood swings, or hot flashes. My sleep is better and deeper than it has ever been. I have no issues with any of the previous asthma symptoms or any cardiac/heart issues.  And, I’m no longer taking any prescription medication.

Another huge benefit is FOOD FREEDOM! I don’t track, weigh, or log my food. I’m not tied to any book or app telling me when I can or can’t eat. I eat when I’m hungry, and I stop when I’m full.

My food based Carnivore focus has been sourcing local meat I can afford. I lean towards beef and lamb. Being from a hunting family, I consume venison including the heart. I don’t routinely eat  organs such as kidney and liver. We also raise chickens for farm fresh eggs.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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