
Real People, Real Results.

Ashley Noelle resolved acne, IBS, and inflammation on a Carnivore lifestyle

Ashley experienced a lot of trauma as a child. She says much of the trauma was due to family situations that caused her to struggle with high levels of depression and anxiety. By the time Ashley had become a preteen, she was on ten different medications for depression and anxiety. She had even attempted suicide.  Ashley says she now knows

Karen is no longer on blood pressure and cholesterol medicines on a Carnivore lifestyle

Karen’s High-Carbohydrate Italian Diet and Health Issues Karen’s grandparents are from Italy, and she says the traditional high-carbohydrate Italian foods have always been a big part of her life. She says growing up, and even into adulthood, her diet consisted of pasta, sandwiches, bagels, pizza, and french toast– to name a few. She said she would occasionally eat some eggs,

Melissa overcame sugar addiction, high blood pressure, and arthritis on a Carnivore diet

Melissa has been fighting a severe sugar addiction for most of her life. She describes herself as a six-year-old stealing money from her father’s jacket pocket to feed her sugar addiction. She continued using tactics of “lying, cheating and stealing” to feed her addiction to sugar well into her teen years. Melissa said in 1981, she was introduced to Equal,

Andy cured acid reflux, IBS, hay fever, and depression on a Carnivore diet

Growing Up with a Love for Food and Unhealthy Eating Habits   Andy lives in Britain and was fortunate enough to grow up with parents who were also chefs and introduced him to a wide range of foods. He says he never really thought much about his health when he was younger. Andy was very active– he lifted weights and

Sara J healed boils, sarcopenia, and dysphoric pré-menstrual disorder on a carnivore diet

Sara’s Journey to a Plant-Based Diet   Sara did not realize the seven years she spent eating plant-based (first as a vegetarian, then vegan, and lastly raw vegan) would do so much damage to her health. She says she now realizes she was “brain-washed.”   She speaks of her government pushing a meatless diet. Sara also says she felt she

Misty healed from alcoholism, hypertension, and eczema on a low carb meat based diet

Health Issues Misty Faced Before Going Carnivore   Misty describes herself as a “skinny kid.” She says she came from a big, loud family that liked to have parties with large meals. She grew up eating anything she wanted without worrying about weight. She ate a lot of carbohydrates and said she developed a “salty and crunchy tooth.”    However,

Kerrie healed migraines, inflammation, hormone imbalances on a carnivore diet

Military, Fitness, and Alzheimer’s: Kerrie’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet Kerrie was a military member for ten years and has always lived an active lifestyle. She has even spent much of her adult life in the fitness industry and competing in powerlifting competitions.   It wasn’t until Kerrie’s mom was diagnosed with late-stage Alzheimer’s disease that Kerrie began to question

Diane healed autoimmune conditions, hormones, and migraines on a carnivore diet

Diane’s Journey to the Carnivore Lifestyle   Diane describes finding her way into the carnivore lifestyle as a “long journey.” Diane grew up eating a very high-carbohydrate diet. She explains growing up her family did not have a lot of money, so many of their meals consisted of “meat, potatoes, and gravy– and bread, lots of bread.”   Diane also

Mike improved IBS, eye sight, and type 2 diabetes on the carnivore lifestyle

Mike’s Diagnosis and Treatment   In 1996, Mike contracted the Epstein-Barr virus. After eighteen months of feeling exhausted, he decided he needed help from a doctor. The doctor looked at him, saw how terrible he looked and felt, and immediately put him in the hospital. It was there Mike learned the virus had caused him to develop Hodgkins Lymphoma– a

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