Andy cured acid reflux, IBS, hay fever, and depression on a Carnivore diet

Growing Up with a Love for Food and Unhealthy Eating Habits


Andy lives in Britain and was fortunate enough to grow up with parents who were also chefs and introduced him to a wide range of foods. He says he never really thought much about his health when he was younger. Andy was very active– he lifted weights and was a military member. He says he didn’t realize it then but had a very unhealthy relationship with food.


Struggles with Health Issues: Acid Reflux, IBS, Insomnia, and Obesity


Andy describes having a work hard, play hard, and drink hard attitude when he was younger. He would often work out and lift weights with his friends for two to three hours per day, then drink excessive amounts of beer.


Over time Andy started to notice some issues with his health. The most debilitating was the chronic acid reflux he experienced. He also had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hay fever, insomnia, and experienced pain in his joints.


All of Andy’s issues became even more noticeable after he had back surgery at the age of forty. He said it was also during this time that he began to notice he had put on quite a bit of weight and was now obese. He was also in a lot of pain and describes feeling anxiety around remembering to take pain medications– he wouldn’t leave his home without them.


Andy spent the following several years yo-yo dieting, but nothing felt sustainable. He would spend a couple of months losing weight, feeling a little better, only to fall off the wagon and regain it.


Discovering the Carnivore Diet: From Keto to an All-Meat Diet


Andy knew something had to give. He began the ketogenic diet, which he had some success following. Andy lost weight but felt that counting macros and calories was taxing. It wasn’t until two years ago that he came across the Joe Rogan podcast and heard an interview with Dr. Shawn Baker. He then went on to listen to Joe Rogan interview both Jordan and Mikayla Peterson.


Andy said at first, he thought the carnivore diet advocates sounded “mental.” He couldn’t wrap his mind around giving up vegetables. However, at that point, Andy felt desperate and knew he needed to do something to “change my life around.”


The Benefits of the Carnivore Diet: Improved Health, Energy, and Sleep Quality


Initially, Andy planned to follow the carnivore diet for three months. He started by eating all meats, dairy, coffee, and eggs. Andy says the first two weeks were miserable; he struggled with horrendous issues in the restroom.


However, he fought through and felt himself getting better and better. After two weeks on the carnivore diet, Andy stopped taking pain medications. He also noticed his acid reflux disappeared, and his energy and sleep quality improved.


Andy says he began to take more and more things out of his diet as he started feeling better. After three months on the carnivore diet, he mainly ate beef and water– and felt fantastic. Andy says he went into the diet thinking he would never give up coffee but soon found he didn’t need it because he felt so well and had so much energy.


Tips for Starting the Carnivore Diet: Self-Accountability and Researching Testimonials


Andy says his advice to anyone looking to start the carnivore way of eating is to “try it… and do your research.” Andy also goes on to suggest utilizing self-accountability by taking before pictures and logging your weight on a scale. He also recommends reading testimonials of others who have found this way of eating.


Andy is grateful he did his research and changed his destructive patterns. Andy says today he wants “to tell everyone” about the diet that has completely changed his life.


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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