Rick’s Health Struggles
Rick has spent most of his life playing sports and even ran marathons as a middle-aged adult. However, Rick’s diet was causing him inflammation and pain. He has had four knee replacements, surgery in his neck, and intense pain in other areas of his body. Rick also struggled with high blood pressure, eczema, and weight gain.
The Importance of Finding the Right Lifestyle
Rick said he always thought he was doing the right thing for his body by continuing to push himself to the limits. He thought he could “outrun,” so to speak, all of his health problems and forced himself to run hundreds of miles per month. In reality, Rick was only causing himself more issues. He knew something had to change.
From Keto to Carnivore
Initially, Rick cut dairy and gluten from his diet, which helped to some degree. From there, he transitioned to the ketogenic diet. Rick says that the keto diet helped him lose weight, but his health problems still haunted him. His eczema was out of control, and he still struggled to maintain healthy blood pressure.
The Benefits of the Carnivore Diet
During this time, Rick’s doctor continued to put him on medication after medication without considering the cause of his ailments. He said that with all of his issues combined, his doctor thought he might even have lupus, so he put him on medication to treat the disease. However, Rick reacted terribly to the drug, felt his immunity dwindle, and his anxiety worsened.
Rick followed the keto diet for approximately two years until he finally came across Dr. Shawn Baker and the carnivore community. At the beginning of his carnivore journey, he read over twenty carnivore-related books. He realized he didn’t need plants or other foods to get what his body needed.
Rick’s Typical Day on the Carnivore Diet
Rick has been a strict carnivore diet follower for over a year now. Rick says he is now off all medications as his high blood pressure and eczema disappeared almost immediately. He also says his sleep quality has dramatically improved, and his energy is “off the charts.” Rick lost fifty pounds between his keto and carnivore diet journey, highly reduced the inflammation in his body, and his waistline is now the same as in high school.
Rick says a typical day for him includes eating many eggs, which he gets from a farmer down the road from his home. He eats steak and organs and will snack on bacon– which he usually eats cold from his refrigerator. Rick says he has learned he is sensitive to dairy but occasionally enjoys aged cheese. He will also eat clarified butter but prefers tallow and lard.
Rick says he feels one hundred times better than before finding the carnivore way of eating. He also wishes he had found the carnivore lifestyle twenty years ago. Still, Rick appreciates his health journey now and all that it has brought him. Rick is a member of MeatRx and speaks fondly of the virtual meetings he has been able to attend. Overall he is thankful for his new lifestyle and community he has acquired through the carnivore way of eating.
Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.