Fitness & exercise

Real People, Real Results.

Adam overcomes plant-based diet, has improvements on carnivore diet

Discover how Adam (and his dog!) both overcame the negative effects of a plant-based diet and the many benefits that have come along with the Carnivore Diet, including better athletic performance and recovery, better digestion, mental clarity, and clearer skin.   Meet Adam, the Carnivore Diet Advocate, and His Dog’s Incredible Transformation   Adam is 42 years old and has

Marin improves fitness on a carnivore diet

Marin, 33, came to the carnivore diet in overall good health. “This is not a special story or a special case. I am not sick, and I don’t have any medical conditions. I’m just a guy who likes to experiment on his own body.” He weighs 155 pounds, is 5’7”, and leads an active lifestyle. Marin is no stranger to

J. Bell heals joint issues on carnivore diet

How Carnivore Helped J. Bell   After hearing the podcasts with Steve Austin and Rogan, then tons of research, I decided to try this!   I’m 45 years old, 5-8”. Travel for work and moderate gym exercise 3 days a week. Twenty-three screws and three plates in my right ankle since 2000. C 3-4 fusion in ‘05, 5-6 fusion recommend

T. T. improves fitness, foot pain, joint pain, and mood on a carnivore diet

Life caught up with me in my 30s – like it threw a rope around me and yanked me to the ground. I went from blissfully eating whatever I wanted on the SAD diet to desperately searching for the answers I hoped would save my health. I’ll explain.   Living in NYC gave me access to some of the most

Beau heals from back pain and joint pain on a carnivore diet

Beau is 34 years old and has experienced significant issues with his weight, at one point seeing himself grow to over 400 pounds. He needed back surgery 12 years ago, leading to chronic issues with back discomfort over the following years. It’s difficult to imagine for those of us who have never been this obese. One example worth considering is

Connor heals from diabetes, joint pain, immune issues on a carnivore diet

Controlling Blood Sugar With A Meat-Based Diet In February 2018, Connor found Dr. Baker, and after hearing his story, he made the decision to follow a primary carnivore diet “with the help of a close friend who was also experimenting with the diet.” Connor defined his diet by saying, “When I say primarily Carnivore, I mean about 90% of my

Scott heals autoimmune issues, psoriasis, sleep issues on carnivore diet

My Journey To A Carnivore Diet Long-time vegetarian for about nine years (heavier on fiber, whole grains, and nut/seed fat), but not against eating meat. I just avoided it at home due to “ethical and sustainability” concerns (yes, I bought into the propaganda).   The Onset Of Symptoms About four years in, I noticed some subtle but consistent itches/rashes on

Travis drastically improves PTSD on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Travis. I am only like 3 weeks into this WOE, but the difference is pretty incredible. I will get into all the issues that this has helped, but first, some backstory.   Injury and PTSD I was Air Force as part of a Combat Communications unit, and deployed (a few times). I will not go into

Randi improves digestion, joint pain, and mood on a carnivore diet

Randi had always been overweight, and says, “I have struggled with weight loss MY ENTIRE LIFE.” She saw her clothing size increase to as much as 18 and says, “I have always accepted my body and been very confident, but always wanted to lose weight. I also have worked out very frequently my whole life, but it was a challenge

Mark improves body composition, performance on carnivore diet

Mark’s Journey To A Carnivore Diet   Mark was raised on a diet high in carbohydrates. He was interested in athletics from a young age and competed as an elite rugby player in his teens and early twenties. After quitting rugby at 38, Mark pursued competitive running and cycling.   He even competed in several triathlon events to “continue the

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