
Real People, Real Results.

Galen healed Crohn’s disease on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Galen. Here is my story:  Although I specifically asked the gastroenterologist for dietary advice at the time, he had no recommendations to offer, but prescribed me several anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drugs. Abdominal Pain And Crohn’s Disease   In the Summer and Fall of 1995, I started intermittently experiencing extremely sharp abdominal pain. Over the course of

Anonymous improved anemia and digestive problems on a carnivore diet

My story is quite an extreme one. When I was five years old my entire family became vegetarian. This would have been in 1975, when being a vegetarian was still very unusual. I gather it was after a distressing trip to an agricultural show, but of course I don’t really remember the details. Before that, I had eaten a fairly

Corina eliminates depression and anxiety on carnivore diet

As a kid I loved meat, fish, cheese and butter. Since I am from Switzerland, I certainly had my share of good quality cheeses. In particular the goat and sheep cheeses were my favourite. Unfortunately, Switzerland is also famous for its delicious chocolate. I stuffed my face with it daily. I was definitely a sugar junkie. Fruits and vegetables had

Adam improved digestion, fitness, mood, mental health on carnivore diet

My name is Adam, and this is my carnivore story. MEAT HEALS!   May 12, 2018   Background   I am a 46-year-old male who slowly became 30 pounds overweight from eating and drinking too much and not exercising.   I decided I wanted to get back in shape, but despite increasingly strenuous workouts (from 30 to 45 to 60

Mark improved his arthritis and autoimmune issues on a carnivore diet

My Four Month N=1 (Self-)Experiment ongoing Zero Carb 100% Carnivore.   Mark’s Carnivore Health Highlights   This is a lengthy article. So for just the Highlights:   No more outbreaks of kidney stones. Yes, I am sticking with it!!!! Not because I need to but because I love this way of eating. Meat-only way of eating healed my Rheumatoid Arthritis

Adam improved his fatigue and metal health on a carnivore diet

Police Officer And Army National Guard Member   Just for some background, I’m 26 years old. I have been a police officer for the past three years and serve on a variety of specialized teams, including the SWAT Team, K9 Bloodhound Tracking Team, and Riot Team.   I have also been serving for the past six years in the Army

Ryan improved his mental health and joint pain on a carnivore diet

From High Protein to Carnivore: My Journey   Hi Doctor Shawn, and to everyone out there,   I have been somewhat of a diet elitist and have been lifting weights for 15 years. As science would tell you, my diet began with a high-protein, high-carb, low-fat diet.   While being at that time in my 20s, it worked, but calories-wise,

Warren improved his mental health and addiction on a carnivore diet

Warren’s Carnivore Experience    I am extremely happy with my results while eating the Carnivore Diet. I’ve been a health conscious individual with a pretty heavy sugar addiction for the most of my adult life.   I’ve tried different diets and supplements over the years, with the goal always being the same: to rid myself any depression, anxiety, or brain

Patricia improved arthritis and joint pain on a carnivore diet

Patricia’s Experience with the Carnivore Diet    I grew up in a family where the dad ate protein, and the family ate potatoes, vegetables, and bread and drank dehydrated nonfat milk. As a child, I was chubby, had digestion and elimination problems, and was always taking medication for ear infections, sore throat, or hay fever.   In 1992, I was

Filip improved his knee pain and 29 more health issues on a carnivore diet

A Long List Of Improvements   These are my health improvements after one year of cutting out all plants and dairy from my diet. Healed knee: I had a bike accident as a kid and have always felt a slight pain in my knee since then. My knee is now completely healed. The healing process took six months, and my

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